Hugo Wolf; the settings of Eichendorff

11 May 2013, 7:00pm - 8:45pm

Nicky Spence – tenor
Katherine Broderick – soprano
David Stout baritone
Sholto Kynoch – piano

and Martin Haessler (baritone), who will perform Schumann's Liederkreis Op. 39

Wolf’s settings of Eichendorff achieved great popularity during his lifetime and are some of his most overtly appealing songs, full of drama and humour. Tonight we hear the famous volume published by Wolf as a set, as well as six earlier, little-known settings. Two outstanding young stars of the singing world join us for the latest edition in our complete series of Wolf’s songs. Martin Haessler, the winner of this year's Guildhall School of Music Wigmore recital award, will perform Schumann's Liederkreis Op. 39, settings of Eichendorff that were clearly part of the inspiration behind Wolf's setttings of this poet.

This will be Oxford Lieder’s first concert in the beautiful new concert venue St John the Evangelist, on Iffley Road. We look forward to welcoming you to this invaluable addition to the Oxford concert scene.

Tonight’s concert will be preceded by a reception for the Friends of Oxford Lieder, beginning at 6.30pm at St John’s. Join us for an informal drink and a chance to find out more about Oxford Lieder’s future plans. Anyone interested in becoming a Friend of Oxford Lieder is invited to email or call 07996 956657.


Hugo Wolf: Settings of Joseph von Eichendorff (1788-1857)

In der Fremde I
In der Fremde II, 2nd setting
In der Fremde VI
Die Kleine

Robert Schumann: Liederkreis,  Op.39 (Eichendorff)


Hugo Wolf: Gedichte von Joseph v. Eichendorff

Der Freund
Der Musikant
Verschwiegene Liebe
Das Ständchen
Der Soldat I
Der Soldat II
Die Zigeunerin
Der Schreckenberger
Der Glücksritter
Lieber alles
Der Scholar
Der verzweifelte Liebhaber
Seemanns Abschied
Die Nacht

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