Late-night concert: Rhona McKail & Yshani Perinpanayagam

28 October 2011, 9:00pm - 10:00pm

The last of our late-night concerts is also the last of our concerts featuring the work of exceptional young composer Charlotte Bray, this year's Composer in Residence. Tonight we hear Midnight Closes, a work that has already brought her much kudos, with good cause. Other modern and contemporary composers feature too, including works by the fascinating Lord Berners, performed by two exceptional young artists.


Generously supported by

The Berners Trust


Jo Cutler (b. 1968):

In Praise of Dreams
1 - In praise of dreams
2 - Nothing's a gift
3 - An unexpected meeting
4 - Elegiac calculation

Lord Berners  (1883-1950):
Three English Songs
1 - Lullaby
2 - The lady visitor in the pauper ward
3 - The green-eyed monster

Red roses and red noses

Charlotte Bray* (b. 1982):
Midnight Closes 
1 - A thunderstorm in town
2 - I say "I'll seek her"
3 - Faintheart in a railway train
* Oxford Lieder Festival Composer in Residence

Peter Dickinson (b. 1934):
Four Auden Songs
1 - Look stranger
2 - Eyes look into the well
3 - Carry her over the water
4 - What's in your mind

Roger Quilter (1877 - 1953):
My life's delight
Music when soft voices die

Frank Bridge (1879 - 1941):
Come to me in my dreams
Love went a riding

2011 brochure

14 October 2011 | 9:00am

2011 Festival: 10 Year Anniversary

Previous Event
Felicity Lott & Christoph Denoth
28 October 2011, 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Next Event
Bring & Sing
29 October 2011, 11:00am - 12:00pm

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