Mastercourse Day 3 with Joan Rodgers & Julius Drake

31 March 2020, 10:00am - 5:00pm

Lead Tutor: Joan Rodgers
Holywell Music Room

Guest Tutor: Julius Drake
Harris Manchester College Chapel

Morning Session 10.00 - 12.55

Lunch 12.55 - 13.40 (45 minutes)

Afternoon Session 13.40 - 17.15

Today’s Guest Tutor is Julius Drake, one of the world’s leading accompanists. He is a Professor at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London and at the University for Music and the Performing Arts in Graz, Austria.


Our two venues are only a few minutes’ walk from each other and observers are welcome to move between sessions with Joan Rodgers and Julius Drake, which run concurrently.



Full Spring Song Pass is available to purchase for £190 representing the best value for the best value for those attending all Spring Song Events.

Mastercourse Pass* is available to purchase for £45: the best value for those attending 9 sessions or more throughout the week.

An Evening Concert Pass is also available for £165.

All Spring Song Passes are available to purchase on the Booking page.

*Please note, the Mastercourse Pass does not include any evening concerts or the Mastercouse concert on Saturday 4 April 2020.
Spring Song 2020

27 March 2020 | 10:00am

Spring Song 2020

Previous Event
Dvorák, Schumann & Fauré: Dorottya Láng & Julius Drake
30 March 2020, 8:00pm - 9:30pm
Next Event
Schubert, Fauré and Quilter: Klemens Sander & Sholto Kynoch
31 March 2020, 8:00pm - 9:30pm

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