Mastercourse Day 4 with Helen Abbott - What’s the stress? Finding your feet with French poetry

01 April 2020, 10:00am - 3:00pm

Guest tutor: Helen Abbott 

10.00 - 13.00

13.00 - 14.00 Lunch (1 hour)

14.00 - 13.00

Today’s shorter Mastercourse day opens with a talk by Professor Helen Abbott on the structures and stresses of French poetry, and its different metrical forms. It will explore ways of performing the ‘mute e’ and how it is accounted for in French poetry and song, as well as where emphases fall in a poetic line and how composers navigate this in their scores. As the session continues, duos and members of the public alike will be encouraged to listen to the delivery of French poetry when sung, and respond with ideas about shaping expression in light of the rules of French poetry (and how to break them). 



Full Spring Song Pass is available to purchase for £190 representing the best value for the best value for those attending all Spring Song Events.

Mastercourse Pass* is available to purchase for £45: the best value for those attending 9 sessions or more throughout the week.

An Evening Concert Pass is also available for £165.

All Spring Song Passes are available to purchase on the Booking page.

*Please note, the Mastercourse Pass does not include any evening concerts or the Mastercouse concert on Saturday 4 April 2020.
Spring Song 2020

27 March 2020 | 10:00am

Spring Song 2020

Previous Event
Schubert, Fauré and Quilter: Klemens Sander & Sholto Kynoch
31 March 2020, 8:00pm - 9:30pm
Next Event
Living Song: Lotte Betts-Dean and Ensemble x.y
01 April 2020, 8:00pm - 9:30pm

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