Miah Persson & Matti Hirvonen
23 October 2011, 7:00pm
7pm: Pre-concert talk given by Gavin Plumley (free)
Miah Persson is in demand on all the world’s major stages, recently described in the New York Times as having a voice of "alluring bloom, penetrating warmth and allure". She draws our Swedish weekend to an impressive close with a programme of works by two of the great Swedish song composers – Rangström and Nystroem – as well as a selection of songs by their Scandinavian neighbours, Grieg and Sibelius.
The Swedish Weekend is generously supported by Musik I Syd, Embassy of Sweden, Gehrmans Musikförlag and Nota Bene Productions.
Ture Rangström
Vinden och trädet
Den enda stunden
Flickan under nymånen
Edvard Grieg
Six Songs, Op 48
Dereinst, Gedanke mein
Lauf der Welt
Die verschwiegene Nachtigall
Zur Rosenzeit
Ein Traum
Gösta Nyström
Själ o landskap
På reveln
Jean Sibelius
Våren flyktar hastigt
Den första kyssen
Var det en dröm
Säv säv susa
Flickan kom

14 October 2011 | 9:00am