On Wenlock Edge: Online Film Screening

29 April 2020, 6:00pm 15 May 2020 - 7:00pm

At the Oxford Lieder Festival in 2019 we presented a new film of Ralph Vaughan Williams' On Wenlock Edge, performed live with tenor Daniel Norman, the Brodsky Quartet and Sholto Kynoch. It was created and directed by Jeremy Hamway-Bidgood. We are delighted to bring it to you once again, in association with Positive Note Films and Heidelberger Frühling. Further down this page, you'll find lots of background information on the film.

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We will soon be announcing plans for this year's Oxford Lieder Festival.


[youtube url=https://youtu.be/eRa-02STMxQ]

On 18 April this year, the same forces would have performed this for one of our international partners, Heidelberger Frühling. Like our own Spring Song and so much else at the moment, sadly that was not to be. But we are delighted to co-present this with them here.


The film is created with live performance in mind, and in a concert setting, Jeremy edits the film to fit the nuances of each individual performance. This film version uses a recording by Daniel Norman, the Brodsky Quartet and Sholto Kynoch, which is available for download on Stone Records. Do also watch this short film about the making of On Wenlock Edge, created before the premiere performance at d'Overbroeck's in April 2019:

[youtube url=https://youtu.be/t5Rs-vCPR9Q]

You can see Jeremy's storyboard for the film here:

[youtube url=https://youtu.be/U8JScgVsQdc]

At the 2019 Lieder Festival, this event was so popular that we had to add in a second performance. See a few audience reactions here:
[youtube url=https://youtu.be/StnlOpaR4Rs]

Thanks also to our international partner in Barcelona, the LIFE Victoria Festival.

Watch Jeremy Hamway-Bidgood's film of Schubert's Erlkönig (which has already had over 6 million views!), commissioned by Oxford Lieder in 2014 and performed by Daniel Norman and Sholto Kynoch (taken from 'Schubert Year by Year' on Stone Records):

[youtube url=https://youtu.be/JS91p-vmSf0]


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