Schubert - Die schöne Müllerin (Lichdi / Vignoles)
19 October 2010, 7:00pm - 8:20pm
7pm: Pre-concert talk (free)
Ian Partridge: "Travels with a Brook: Schubert's Die schöne Müllerin"
For the last of our three concerts featuring the song cycles of Schubert, we welcome the emerging German tenor Tilman Lichdi ("Simply sensational" - Chicago Classical Review), joined by Roger Vignoles, one of the world's leading pianists.
Die schöne Müllerin tells the tragic tale of a young lad as he steps out into the world, full of optimism, only to meet with bitter disappointment; the beautiful miller's daughter fails even to notice him, and he is ultimately driven to despair. Schubert's musical journey matches the protagonist's perfectly, mirroring the gradual mental descent of the tragic young man.
Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828)
Die schöne Müllerin
1. Das Wandern
2. Wohin?
3. Halt!
4. Danksagung an den Bach
5. Am Feierabend
6. Der Neugierige
7. Ungeduld
8. Morgengruß
9. Des Müllers Blumen
10. Tränenregen
11. Mein!
12. Pause
13. Mit dem grünen Lautenbande
14. Der Jäger
15. Eifersucht und Stolz
16. Die liebe Farbe
17. Die böse Farbe
18. Trockne Blumen
19. Der Müller und der Bach
20. Des Baches Wiegenlied

15 October 2010 | 9:00am