Social DistanSong Day One: Ailish Tynan, James Baillieu, Helen Abbott & Natasha Loges

28 March 2020, 10:00am - 11:55pm

Welcome everyone! Our impromptu 'Social Distansong' festival starts here. We have a number of offerings today: Helen Abbott and Natasha Loges give adapted versions of their talks that were due to take place as part of the 'Poetry Making Song' study day; Ailish Tynan and James Baillieu have remotely recorded a Grieg song from their programme plus a special encore; and Ailish has put together a Spotify playlist of her favourite recordings of the songs she would have been performing tonight. It's certainly not the same as a live Festival, but we hope that this will give you something to enjoy.


Remember that you can find texts and translations of all the songs that were due to be performed today in the 'Explore' section on the main menu above.

Helen Abbott: Poetry Making Song

Helen presents her talk 'in conversation' with her husband, Richard Longman. Underneath the video are links to the various recordings she mentioned: you can pause the film and watch these (they will open in new tabs) or just enjoy them afterwards.

[youtube url=]

Links for songs referenced in Helen Abbott's talk:

Fauré Clair de lune 

Veronique Gens + Roger Vignoles 

Philippe Jaroussky + Jérôme Ducros

Fauré Après un rêve 

Sandrine Piau + Susan Manoff

Véronique Gens + Roger Vignoles

Cello + orchestra arrangement: Gautier Capuçon + Orchestre de Chambre de Paris

Percy Grainger piano arrangement: Leslie Howard

Jazz arrangement: Arturo Sandoval 

Natasha Loges: Poetry Making Song

Natasha has recorded her talk over a PowerPoint presentation. Again, you'll need to pause it to listen to the recordings she references, and the links to those are underneath this video.

[youtube url=]

Links for songs referenced in Natasha Loges's talk:

Click here for Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau & Hertha Klust  (1955)

Click here for Wolfgang Holzmair & Imogen Cooper (2002)

A welcome from Ailish Tynan, with Grieg's 'Ein Traum' performed and recorded remotely by Ailish Tynan and James Baillieu

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Click here for Ailish Tynan's Social DistanSong Playlist on Spotify*.

*You will need to be a Spotify user to listen to this.


And finally, an encore from Ailish and James...

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27 March 2020 | 10:00am

Social DistanSong

Next Event
Social DistanSong Day Two: Christina Gansch and Sholto Kynoch
29 March 2020, 8:00am - 11:55pm

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