Social DistanSong Day Two: Christina Gansch and Sholto Kynoch

29 March 2020, 8:00am - 11:55pm

Welcome to Day Two of Social DistanSong. Today would have been the start of our residential Mastercourse, led by Joan Rodgers, so we're linking below to a couple of clips of Joan giving masterclasses. Later in the week we'll be posting a video directly from Joan, so watch out for that. Looking to what would have been the evening concert given by Christina Gansch and Sholto Kynoch, we have two remotely recorded songs from them, and a Spotify playlist of Christina's favourite recordings of her full programme. We're also giving links to two talks by Gavin Plumley, talking about Berg and Mahler, both of whom would have featured in this concert. A bit less original material today than yesterday then, but we're preparing lots more for later in the week...

Remember that you can find texts and translations of all the songs that were due to be performed today in the 'Explore' section on the main menu above, or by going to the original event listing and clicking on the Programme tab.

A welcome from Christina Gansch, with Mahler's 'Frühlingsmorgen' performed and recorded remotely by Christina Gansch and Sholto Kynoch

[youtube url=]

Moving outdoors makes this more challenging, but wonderful to see Christina with a beautiful Austrian backdrop: what could be more appropriate for Mahler's 'Wer hat dies Liedlein erdacht'? (Watch the background 'extra' carefully!)

[youtube url=]

Click here for Christina Gansch's Social DistanSong Playlist on Spotify*.

*You will need to be a Spotify user to listen to this.


We found two excellent clips of Joan Rodgers giving masterclasses (on opera repertoire). To watch the whole film, you'll have to subscribe to the Masterclass Media Foundation, but these give a sense of what we might expect when we manage to reschedule the course.

Click here for Joan discussing characterisation.
Click here for Joan talking about legato in Tchaikovsky.

If you're listening to Christina's playlist, we thought these excellent films by Gavin Plumley might help illuminate Mahler and Berg. The first is a general introduction to Mahler, with some lovely footage from Vienna. And the second is is an in-depth analysis of Berg's Lyric Suite, filmed at Wigmore Hall.  Anyone who was there will remember Gavin's superb Festival study days on Mahler in 2017, and although these films aren't directly about the songs in Christina's programme, we thought they would still be very interesting to share.

Click here for Gavin's introduction to Mahler.
Click here for Gavin's illustrated lecture on Berg's Lyric Suite (this was recorded live in 2016: the film begins about 2.5 minutes in).

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27 March 2020 | 10:00am

Social DistanSong

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