Songs by Schubert and Wolf (Ben Johnson / Southall)
22 October 2009, 8:00pm
Winners of the 2008 Kathleen Ferrier Awards
Supported by the Kathleen Ferrier Memorial Scholarship Fund
Songs by Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828) and Hugo Wolf (1860 - 1903)
Hugo Wolf’s renown originates entirely in his songs – he wrote almost nothing in other genres, but created some of the most spectacular songs in the repertoire, with an extraordinary ability to colour and convey texts. Many consider the peak of his writing to be his 53 settings of the poet Eduard Mörike, and it is a selection of these songs that we hear this evening, alongside songs by Franz Schubert, who needs no introduction as the master of this genre.
Ben Johnson took first prize at the prestigious Kathleen Ferrier Awards last year, and James Southall won the pianist’s award. Since then, they have both appeared at a host of prestigious venues and festivals, and are building an exceptional reputation as recitalists.

16 October 2009 | 9:00am