The Fair Maid of the Mill
25 October 2015, 7:30pm - 8:45pm
Schubert’s wonderful cycle of love and loss, Die schöne Müllerin is heard here in English, in a sparkling new translation by Jeremy Sams, renowned for his expertly-crafted and sensitive performing translations. Toby Spence makes a much anticipated return to the Lieder Festival, joined by pianist Christopher Glynn.
Franz Schubert (1797-1828)
Die schöne Müllerin / The Fair Maid of the Mill
Wilhelm Müller (1794-1827), translated by Jeremy Sams (b.1957)
Das Wandern (‘Somewhere’)
Wohin? (‘Where now?’)
Halt! (‘Stop!’)
Danksagung an den Bach (‘A thank you to the stream’)
Am Feierabend (‘The end of a long day’s work’)
Der Neugierige (‘Curiosity’)
Ungeduld (‘Impatience’)
Morgengruß (‘Good morning’)
Des Müllers Blumen (‘The miller’s flowers’)
Tränenregen (‘Tears like rain’)
Mein! (‘Mine!’)
Pause (‘Interlude’)
Mit dem grünen Lautenbande (‘The green ribbon’)
Der Jäger (‘The huntsman’)
Eifersucht und Stolz (‘Jealousy and Pride’)
Die liebe Farbe (‘Her favourite colour’)
Die böse Farbe (‘The hated colour’)
Trockne Blumen (‘Withered flowers’)
Der Müller und der Bach (‘The Miller and the Brook’)
Des Baches Wiegenlied (‘The Brook sings a lullaby’)

16 October 2015 | 9:00am