The Oxford Lieder Young Artist Platform

06 April 2019, 11:00am - 6:00pm

We're delighted to be live streaming today's audition recitals. If you can't be with us in person, click here to watch live!

The Oxford Lieder Young Artist Platform attracts the most exciting new talent and this is a thrilling day as six exceptional duos give 35-minute audition recitals, aspiring to be Oxford Lieder’s next ‘ambassadors for song’. The recitals will be adjudicated by Katarina Karnéus, Julius Drake and John Mark Ainsley. Be inspired, and spot the great artists of the future!

The schedule for the day is below. You can buy tickets to any one session (two recitals), or for the whole day. 

There will be a long interval after the first two recitals.

Click here to read more about the Young Artist Platform, watch samples of last year's winners, and find out about engaging our winners.



11.00-11.40         Audition One - Olivia Warbuton (mezzo-soprano) & Keval Shah (piano)

11.50-12.30         Audition Two - Fabian Langguth (baritone) & Camille Lemonnier (piano)

        Lunch break: 1hr 15 mins


13.45-14.25         Audition Three - Claire Ward (soprano) & Guy Murgatroyd (piano)

14.35-15.15         Audition Four - Lotte Betts-Dean (mezzo-soprano) & Joseph Havlat (piano)

          Coffee break: 45 mins


16.00-16.40        Audition Five - Ted Black (tenor) & Rachel Fright (piano)

16.50-17.30        Audition Six - Ema Nikolovska (mezzo-soprano) & Gary Beecher (piano)

17.45-18.00         Adjudication and announcement of the winning duos

Programme Information:

11.00-11.40 - Audition One - Olivia Warbuton (mezzo-soprano) & Keval Shah (piano)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
An Chloe

Rebecca Clarke
Seal Man

Claude Debussy
Nuit d’étoiles
(Fêtes Galantes I)

Hugo Wolf
from Mörike Lieder
I. An eine Aeolsharfe
II. Begegnung
III. Nimmersatte Liebe
IV. Schlafendes Jesuskind

Aaron Copland
from Old American Songs
I. The Little Horses

Herbert Hughes
Kitty My Love

11.50-12.30 - Audition Two - Fabian Langguth (baritone) & Camille Lemonnier (piano)

Gerald Finzi
Channel Firing

Franz Schubert
Kriegers Ahnung, D957 
Totengräbers Heimweh, D842 

Charles Ives
General William Booth Enters into Heaven

Franz Schubert
Der Geistertanz, D116
Erlkönig, D328 
Litanei auf das Fest Aller Seelen, D343 

13.45-14.25 - Audition Three - Claire Ward (soprano) & Guy Murgatroyd (piano)


Richard Strauss
from Drei Lieder der Ophelia, Op. 67 
I. Wie erkenn' ich mein Treulieb

Wolfgang Rihm 
from Ophelia Sings
II. Tomorrow is Saint Valentine’s Day

Richard Strauss

from Drei Lieder der Ophelia, Op. 67
III. Sie trugen ihn auf der Bahre bloss

Camille Saint-Saens
La Mort d’Ophélie

Olivier Messiaen
Vocalise étude

Manuel Rosenthal
from Trois poèmes de Marie Roustan
I. Rêverie

Ernest Chausson
from Chansons de Shakespeare, Op.28
III. Chanson d’Ophélie

Robert Schumann
Herzeleid, ​Op. 107 no. 1

Gabriel Faure 
Apres un Rêve, Op.7 no 1

Wolfgang Rihm
from Ophelia Sings 
I. How should I my true love know?

Richard Strauss
from Drei Lieder der Ophelia, Op. 67
II. Guten Morgen's ist Sankt Valentinstag

Wolfgang Rihm
from Ophelia Sings 
III. They bore him bare-faced on the bier

14.35-15.15 - Audition Four - Lotte Betts-Dean (mezzo-soprano) & Joseph Havlat (piano)

Franz Schubert
Der Jüngling an der Quelle, D.300

Béla Bartók
from Öt Dal, BB. 71
I. Tavasz: Az en szerelmem

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
from 12 Romances, Op. 60
XII. Nam zvyozdy krotkiye siyali

Maurice Ravel
from Histoires Naturelles
I. Le paon
V. Le pintade

Percy Grainger
Died for love

Anton Webern
from 4 Lieder, Op. 12
II. Die geheimnisvolle Flöte
IV. Gleich und gleich

Brett Dean
from Poems and Prayers
I. Literature
II. A Child is a Grub

Sigurd von Koch
from Exotiska Sånger
I. I månaden Tjaitra: Minns du våren

Jean Sibelius
from 5 Songs, Op 37
IV. Var det en dröm?
V. Flickan kom ifrån sin älsklings möte

Franz Schubert
Abendstern, D.806

Olivier Messiaen
from Poèmes pour Mi
IX. Prière exaucée Page down

16.00-16.40 - Audition Five - Ted Black (tenor) & Rachel Fright (piano)

Cheryl Frances-Hoad
from Magic Lantern Tales
I. Marching Through Time

Alma Mahler
5 Lieder
I. Die Stille Stadt
II. In meines vaters Garten
III. Laue Sommernacht
IV. Bei dir ist es traut
V. Ich wandle unter Blumen

Rebecca Clarke
The Seal Man

Muriel Herbert

Amy Beach
Three Browning Songs
I.The Year’s at the Spring
II. Ah, Love, But a Day
III. I Send My Heart Up To Thee

16.50-17.30 - Audition Six - Ema Nikolovska (mezzo-soprano) & Gary Beecher (piano)

Henry Purcell
Mad Bess

Franz Schubert
Der Musensohn
An die Entfernte

Hugo Wolf
Nimmersatte Liebe
Verschwiegene Liebe
Lied vom Winde

Francis Poulenc
Deux Poèmes de Louis Aragon
I. C
II. Fêtes Galantes

JoaquÍn Rodrigo
Canción del Cucu
Un Home, San Antonio!

Ned Rorem
Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair
Visits to St. Elizabeth's

Katarina Karne üus 2 Groves Artists

05 April 2019 | 9:00am

2019 Spring Weekend of Song

Previous Event
Katarina Karnéus & Julius Drake
05 April 2019, 7:30pm - 8:45pm
Next Event
Spring Weekend Dinner at Cuttlefish
06 April 2019, 6:00pm 17 February 2025 - 8:59pm

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