Voice and Presence singing workshop with Fiona Dobie
17 October 2009, 10:30am
For all singers, experienced and beginners
Explore some of the things that help us to sing with greater ease, and use beautiful, easy-to-learn global harmony songs, taught by ear. Fiona Dobie works interactively, encouraging people to tune into their innate imagination, creativity and awareness, and to have a good time!
Fiona enjoys a solo career, working with many inspiring musicians. She is also highly regarded as a teacher and will be teaching at this Festival’s Master Course. Her previous workshops at the Lieder Festival have been exceptionally well received, both by those with a great deal of singing experience and those who never even knew they could sing!
“A joy to be part of”“… warm, encouraging, great sense of fun”
£10 in advance, £12 on the door, to include tea & biscuits.
Further information call 01865 246718.
Reservations: cheques payable to ‘Oxford Lieder’, by post only to 37 Fairacres Road, Oxford OX4 1TH.

16 October 2009 | 9:00am