
3b. Antique

by Benjamin Britten From Les Illuminations

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Text & Translation

3b. Antique
English source: Richard Stokes

Graceful son of Pan! Around your brow, crowned
with little flowers and berries, your eyes—precious
globes—move. Stained with brown lees, your
cheeks are hollowed out. Your fangs gleam. Your
breast resembles a cithara, tintinnabulations
course through your white arms. Your heart pulses
in that belly where Hermaphrodite sleeps. Walk
forth, at night, gently moving this thigh, that
second thigh, and that left leg.

English translation © Richard Stokes

Graceful son of Pan! Around your brow, crowned
with little flowers and berries, your eyes—precious
globes—move. Stained with brown lees, your
cheeks are hollowed out. Your fangs gleam. Your
breast resembles a cithara, tintinnabulations
course through your white arms. Your heart pulses
in that belly where Hermaphrodite sleeps. Walk
forth, at night, gently moving this thigh, that
second thigh, and that left leg.

3b. Antique
English source: Richard Stokes

English source: Richard Stokes

Graceful son of Pan! Around your brow, crowned
Graceful son of Pan! Around your brow, crowned
with little flowers and berries, your eyes—precious
with little flowers and berries, your eyes—precious
globes—move. Stained with brown lees, your
globes—move. Stained with brown lees, your
cheeks are hollowed out. Your fangs gleam. Your
cheeks are hollowed out. Your fangs gleam. Your
breast resembles a cithara, tintinnabulations
breast resembles a cithara, tintinnabulations
course through your white arms. Your heart pulses
course through your white arms. Your heart pulses
in that belly where Hermaphrodite sleeps. Walk
in that belly where Hermaphrodite sleeps. Walk
forth, at night, gently moving this thigh, that
forth, at night, gently moving this thigh, that
second thigh, and that left leg.
second thigh, and that left leg.


Benjamin Britten

Edward Benjamin Britten, Baron Britten (22 November 1913 – 4 December 1976) was an English composer, conductor and pianist. He was a central figure of 20th-century British classical music, with a range of works including opera, other vocal music,…


Richard Stokes

Richard Stokes, Professor of Lieder at the Royal Academy of Music, is a regular juror at international Song Competitions. For the operatic stage he has translated Wozzeck and La voix humaine (Opera North), and Parsifal, Lulu, L’Amour de loin and…


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