

by Ludvig Irgens-Jensen

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Here is a sacred altar for all those who wish to pray.
Many have come before it and knelt in their quiet way.
We too come forward, our heart is full,
we turn where the others turn.

We can only wish for people who pray: Oh God, exist for them!

They must not believe in you vainly
Grant that their hopes prove right.
Grant they will meet with the loved ones they lost
In death,the deepest night.
Grant it exists,the peace that
they hope in the end to attain,
may it embrace them every one
who prayed for it time and again.
Yes, there must be an open door
for all those who want to turn home!

The heart is full of prayer to-night for every human's faith!


Ludvig Irgens-Jensen

Paul Ludvig Irgens-Jensen was a Norwegian twentieth-century composer.


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