

by Gabriel Fauré

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French source: Armand Silvestre

Automne au ciel brumeux, aux horizons navrants,
Aux rapides couchants, aux aurores pâlies,
Je regarde couler, comme l’eau du torrent,
Tes jours faits de mélancolie.

Sur l’aile des regrets mes esprits emportés,
– Comme s’il se pouvait que notre âge renaisse! –
Parcourent, en rêvant, les coteaux enchantés
Où jadis sourit ma jeunesse.

Je sens, au clair soleil du souvenir vainqueur
Refleurir en bouquet les roses déliées
Et monter à mes yeux des larmes, qu’en mon cœur,
Mes vingt ans avaient oubliées!

English translation © Richard Stokes

Autumn of misty skies and heartbreaking horizons,
Of swift sunsets and pale dawns,
I watch flow by, like torrential water,
Your days imbued with melancholy.

My thoughts, borne away on the wings of regret,
– As though our time could come round again! –
Roam in reverie the enchanted hills,
Where long ago my youth once smiled.

In the bright sun of triumphant memory
I feel untied roses reflower in bouquets,
And tears rise to my eyes, which in my heart
At twenty had been forgotten!

Translation © Richard Stokes, author of A French Song Companion (Oxford, 2000)

French source: Armand Silvestre

English source: Richard Stokes

Automne au ciel brumeux, aux horizons navrants,
Autumn of misty skies and heartbreaking horizons,
Aux rapides couchants, aux aurores pâlies,
Of swift sunsets and pale dawns,
Je regarde couler, comme l’eau du torrent,
I watch flow by, like torrential water,
Tes jours faits de mélancolie.
Your days imbued with melancholy.

Sur l’aile des regrets mes esprits emportés,
My thoughts, borne away on the wings of regret,
– Comme s’il se pouvait que notre âge renaisse! –
– As though our time could come round again! –
Parcourent, en rêvant, les coteaux enchantés
Roam in reverie the enchanted hills,
Où jadis sourit ma jeunesse.
Where long ago my youth once smiled.

Je sens, au clair soleil du souvenir vainqueur
In the bright sun of triumphant memory
Refleurir en bouquet les roses déliées
I feel untied roses reflower in bouquets,
Et monter à mes yeux des larmes, qu’en mon cœur,
And tears rise to my eyes, which in my heart
Mes vingt ans avaient oubliées!
At twenty had been forgotten!


Gabriel Fauré

  ​"Gabriel Urbain Fauré (12 May 1845 – 4 November 1924) was a French composer, organist, pianist and teacher. He was one of the foremost French composers of his generation, and his musical style influenced many 20th-century composers. Among his…


Armand Silvestre

Paul-Armand Silvestre, French poet and conteur, was born in Paris. He studied at the École polytechnique with the intention of entering the army, but in 1870 he entered the department of finance. He had a successful official career, was decorated…

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