

by Sergei Prokofiev From Five Balmont Poems (1921) Op. 36

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Text & Translation

Russian source: Konstantin Balmont

Želtokrylaja babočka, s detstva znakomaja,
Pokačalas’ po vetru i sela na mak.
Chobotkom govorit: „Posmotrite, zdes’ doma ja!‟
„Vam privetstvennyj kryl’jami delaju znak.‟

Pokivala, složila dva stjaga uzornye,
I zabylas’ v dremote pod žarkim lučom.
O, kak tjagostny noči ljudskie i čërnye.
O, kak bol’no duše, rassečennoj mečom!

The butterfly
English translation © Philip Ross Bullock

A yellow-winged butterfly, familiar to us since childhood,
Danced on the wind and settled on a poppy.
And its little proboscis says : ‘Look, this is my home!
I greet you with my little wings!’

It nods, folding its flag-like, patterned wings,
And slumbers in the sun’s hot rays.
Oh, how oppressive and black are our human nights.
Oh how my soul suffers, pierced by a sword!

Russian source: Konstantin Balmont

The butterfly
English source: Philip Ross Bullock

Želtokrylaja babočka, s detstva znakomaja,
A yellow-winged butterfly, familiar to us since childhood,
Pokačalas’ po vetru i sela na mak.
Danced on the wind and settled on a poppy.
Chobotkom govorit: „Posmotrite, zdes’ doma ja!‟
And its little proboscis says : ‘Look, this is my home!
„Vam privetstvennyj kryl’jami delaju znak.‟
I greet you with my little wings!’

Pokivala, složila dva stjaga uzornye,
It nods, folding its flag-like, patterned wings,
I zabylas’ v dremote pod žarkim lučom.
And slumbers in the sun’s hot rays.
O, kak tjagostny noči ljudskie i čërnye.
Oh, how oppressive and black are our human nights.
O, kak bol’no duše, rassečennoj mečom!
Oh how my soul suffers, pierced by a sword!


Sergei Prokofiev

Sergei Sergeyevich Prokofiev was a Soviet composer, pianist and conductor. As the creator of acknowledged masterpieces across numerous musical genres, he is regarded as one of the major composers of the 20th century.


Konstantin Balmont

Konstantin Dmitriyevich Balmont was a Russian symbolist poet and translator. 

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