
Ennemuiste ('In Days of Yore')

by Mart Saar

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Ennemuiste ('In Days of Yore')
Estonian source: Leena Gross

Ennemuiste paistis hele päike, hõbe helgil säras vete pind.
Ennemuiste õitsesid kõik õied, haljas metsas laulis laululind.
Ennemuiste olin sulle armas, ennemuiste armastasin sind.

In Days of Yore
English translation © Kai Rüütel

In days of yore the bright sun shone, with silver gleam the water’s surface sparkled.
In days of yore all blossoms bloomed, in verdant woods the songbird sang.
In days of yore I was dear to you, in days of yore I loved you.

Ennemuiste ('In Days of Yore')
Estonian source: Leena Gross

In Days of Yore
English source: Kai Rüütel

Ennemuiste paistis hele päike, hõbe helgil säras vete pind.
In days of yore the bright sun shone, with silver gleam the water’s surface sparkled.
Ennemuiste õitsesid kõik õied, haljas metsas laulis laululind.
In days of yore all blossoms bloomed, in verdant woods the songbird sang.
Ennemuiste olin sulle armas, ennemuiste armastasin sind.
In days of yore I was dear to you, in days of yore I loved you.


Mart Saar

Mart Saar was an Estonian composer, organist and collector of folk songs.


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