Tallinn to St Petersburg: Kai Rüütel & Roger Vignoles
17 October 2018, 7:30pm 31 March 2025 - 10:54pm
Estonian mezzo-soprano Kai Rüütel, who has shot to fame since being a Jette Parker Artist at the Royal Opera House, introduces us to the songs of her homeland, with works by Veljo Tormis, Ester Mägi and Mart Saar. Alongside these, she and Roger Vignoles perform songs by Rachmaninov and Rimsky-Korsakov.
Click here to buy your programme pass for all evening concerts (12 - 27 October 2018) for just £40.
All programme passes will be available to collect from the Friends of Oxford Lieder Desk at all concerts.
- Miina Härma (1864 - 1941)
- Ei saa mitte vaiki olla ('I cannot stay silent') (1896)
- Johannes Brahms (1833 - 1897)
- Wie Melodien (1886) Op. 105 no.1 from Fünf Lieder (Op. 105)
- Immer leiser wird mein Schlummer (1886) Op. 105 no.2 from Fünf Lieder (Op. 105)
- Klage (1886) Op. 105 no.3 from Fünf Lieder (Op. 105)
- Auf dem Kirchhofe (1886) Op. 105 no.4 from Fünf Lieder (Op. 105)
- Sergei Rachmaninov (1873 - 1943)
- O, dolgo budu ja, v molchan'i nochi tajnoj, 'In the silence of the secret night' (1893) Op. 4 no.3 from Six Romances
- Poljubila ja ('The Soldier's Wife') (1893) Op. 8 no.4
- Zdes' khorosho, 'How fair this spot' (1902) Op. 21 no.7
- Ester Mägi (1922)
- Kolm laulu Betti Alveri luulele (3 songs on poems by Betti Alver) (1981)
- Veljo Tormis (1930 - 2017)
- Nukrad Viivud (Sorrowful Moments) (1958)
- Kevadpäike, ära looju veel ('Spring sun, do not set yet')
- Sügislaul ('Autumn Song')
- Ei ole roose õitsenud minule ('No roses have bloomed for me')
- Armastus ('Love')
~~~ Interval ~~~
- Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (1844 - 1908)
- Plenivshis rozoj, solovey ('The Nightingale') (1866) Op. 2 no.2
- Na kholmakh Gruzii ('On Georgia's Hills') (1866) Op. 3 no.4
- Serenade (1866) Op. 4 no.4
- Drobitsya, i pleshchet, i brizzhet volna ('The wave breaks') (1897) Op. 46 no.1
- Kogda volnuyetsya zhelteyushchaya niva ('When the ripening wheat fields gently stir') (1897) Op. 40 no.1
- Mart Saar (1882 - 1963)
- Ennemuiste ('In Days of Yore') (1905)
- Kõrs kahiseb ('The Straw Murmurs') (1905)
- Kadunud ingel ('Lost Angel') (1906)
- Sügismõtted ('Autumn Thoughts')
- Mis see oli? ('What was It?')
- Üks ainus kord ('Only Once More')

12 October 2018 | 9:00am