
Gefrorne Tränen

by Franz Schubert From Winterreise (1827) D911

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Text & Translation

Gefrorne Tränen
German source: Wilhelm Müller

Gefrorne Tropfen fallen 
Von meinen Wangen ab: 
Ob es mir denn entgangen, 
Dass ich geweinet hab’?

Ei Tränen, meine Tränen, 
Und seid ihr gar so lau, 
Dass ihr erstarrt zu Eise, 
Wie kühler Morgentau?

Und dringt doch aus der Quelle 
Der Brust so glühend heiss, 
Als wolltet ihr zerschmelzen 
Des ganzen Winters Eis.

Frozen Tears
English translation © Richard Wigmore

Frozen drops fall
from my cheeks;
have I, then, not noticed 
that I have been weeping?

Ah tears, my tears,
are you so tepid
that you turn to ice,
like the cold morning dew?

And yet you well up, so scaldingly hot, 
from your source within my heart,
as if you would melt
all the ice of winter.

Gefrorne Tränen
German source: Wilhelm Müller

Frozen Tears
English source: Richard Wigmore

Gefrorne Tropfen fallen 
Frozen drops fall
Von meinen Wangen ab: 
from my cheeks;
Ob es mir denn entgangen, 
have I, then, not noticed 
Dass ich geweinet hab’?
that I have been weeping?

Ei Tränen, meine Tränen, 
Ah tears, my tears,
Und seid ihr gar so lau, 
are you so tepid
Dass ihr erstarrt zu Eise, 
that you turn to ice,
Wie kühler Morgentau?
like the cold morning dew?

Und dringt doch aus der Quelle 
And yet you well up, so scaldingly hot, 
Der Brust so glühend heiss, 
from your source within my heart,
Als wolltet ihr zerschmelzen 
as if you would melt
Des ganzen Winters Eis.
all the ice of winter.


Franz Schubert

Franz Peter Schubert was an late Classical and early Romantic composer. He produced a vast oeuvre during his short life, composing more the 600 vocal works (largely Lieder), and well as several symphonies, operas, and a large body of piano music. He…


Wilhelm Müller

Johann Ludwig Wilhelm Müller was a German lyric poet. Wilhelm Müller was born on October 7, 1794 at Dessau, the son of a tailor. He was educated at the gymnasium of his native town and at the University of Berlin, where he devoted himself to…

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