
Heliopolis I

by Franz Schubert

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Heliopolis I
German source: Johann Mayrhofer

Im kalten, rauhen Norden
Ist Kunde mir geworden
Von einer Stadt, der Sonnenstadt.
Wo weilt das Schiff, wo ist der Pfad,
Die mich zu jenen Hallen tragen?
Von Menschen konnt’ ich nichts erfragen, 
Im Zwiespalt waren sie verworren.
Zur Blume, die sich Helios erkoren,
Die ewig in sein Antlitz blickt,
Wandt’ ich mich nun, und ward entzückt.

„Wende, so wie ich, zur Sonne 
Deine Augen! Dort ist Wonne, 
Dort ist Leben;
Treu ergeben
Pilgre zu und zweifle nicht: 
Ruhe findest du im Licht. 
Licht erzeuget alle Gluten, 

Heliopolis I
English translation © Richard Wigmore

In the cold, harsh north
I learnt
of a city, the city of the sun.
Where is the ship, where the path
that will take me to its courts?
Men could tell me nothing,
for they were entangled in conflict.
I then turned to the flower chosen by Helios, 
that forever gazes into his face,
and was enchanted.

‘Like me, turn your eyes 
to the sun!
There is bliss,
there is life;
in true devotion
make your pilgrimage, and do not doubt.
In the light you will find peace.
Light creates all ardour,
begets flowers of hope and torrents of deeds!’

Heliopolis I
German source: Johann Mayrhofer

Heliopolis I
English source: Richard Wigmore

Im kalten, rauhen Norden
In the cold, harsh north
Ist Kunde mir geworden
I learnt
Von einer Stadt, der Sonnenstadt.
of a city, the city of the sun.
Wo weilt das Schiff, wo ist der Pfad,
Where is the ship, where the path
Die mich zu jenen Hallen tragen?
that will take me to its courts?
Von Menschen konnt’ ich nichts erfragen, 
Men could tell me nothing,
Im Zwiespalt waren sie verworren.
for they were entangled in conflict.
Zur Blume, die sich Helios erkoren,
I then turned to the flower chosen by Helios, 
Die ewig in sein Antlitz blickt,
that forever gazes into his face,
Wandt’ ich mich nun, und ward entzückt.
and was enchanted.

„Wende, so wie ich, zur Sonne 
‘Like me, turn your eyes 
Deine Augen! Dort ist Wonne, 
to the sun!
Dort ist Leben;
There is bliss,
Treu ergeben
there is life;
Pilgre zu und zweifle nicht: 
in true devotion
Ruhe findest du im Licht. 
make your pilgrimage, and do not doubt.
Licht erzeuget alle Gluten, 
In the light you will find peace.
Light creates all ardour,
begets flowers of hope and torrents of deeds!’


Franz Schubert

Franz Peter Schubert was an late Classical and early Romantic composer. He produced a vast oeuvre during his short life, composing more the 600 vocal works (largely Lieder), and well as several symphonies, operas, and a large body of piano music. He…


Johann Mayrhofer

Johann Baptist Mayrhofer , was an Austrian poet and librettist. He is best known for his close friendship with the composer Franz Schubert. Mayrhofer was born in Steyr, educated and Novitiate in St. Florian's Priory Upper Austria. In 1810 he began…


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