
Ja prinës tebe vkradčivyj list

by Sergei Prokofiev From Five Balmont Poems (1921) Op. 36

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Ja prinës tebe vkradčivyj list
Russian source: Konstantin Balmont

Ja prinës tebe vkradčivyj list,
Ja prinës tebe prjanyj betel’.
Položi ego v rot, nasladis’,
Poljubiv menja, pomni menja.
Solnce vstanet li, pomni menja,
Solnce ljažet li, pomni menja,
Kak ty pomniš’ otca ili mat’,
Kak ty pomniš’ rodimyj svoj dom,
Pomniš’ dveri i lestnicu v nëm,
Dnëm li, noč’ju li, pomni menja.
Esli grom zagremel, vspomjani,
Esli veter svistit, vspomjani;
Esli v nebe sverkajut ogni,
vspomjani, vspomjani, vspomjani.
Esli zvonko petuch propoët,
Esli slyšiš’, kak vremja idët,
Esli čas ubegaet za čas,
I bežit, i vedet svoj raskaz,
Esli solnce idët za lunoj,
Bud’ vsej pamjat’ju vmeste so mnoj.
Stuk, stuk, stuk. Ėto ja prichožu.
Stuk, stuk, stuk. Ja v okoško gljažu.
Slyšiš’ serdce? V nëm stol’ko ognja.
Dušu čuvstvueš’? Pomni menja!

I have brought you an unctuous leaf
English translation © Philip Ross Bullock

I have brought you an unctuous leaf,
I have brought you some spicy betel.
Place it in my mouth and savour it,
If you love me, then remember me.
If the sun rises, then remember me,
If the sun sets, then remember me,
Just as you might recall your father or mother,
Just as you recall the family home,
Just are you recall the doors and stairs within,
Whether it’s day or night, remember me.
Should the thunder roll, then think on me,
Should the wind howl, then think on me;
If the stars shine in the sky,
Then think on me, then think on me.
Should the cock crow loud,
Should you hear time passing,
Hour running after hour,
Running and telling its tale,
Should the sun follow the moon,
Then be wholly with me in memory.
Knock, knock ! It’s me.
Knock, knock! I am looking through the window.
Can you hear my heart? There is so much fire in it.
Can you feel my soul? Remember me!

Ja prinës tebe vkradčivyj list
Russian source: Konstantin Balmont

I have brought you an unctuous leaf
English source: Philip Ross Bullock

Ja prinës tebe vkradčivyj list,
I have brought you an unctuous leaf,
Ja prinës tebe prjanyj betel’.
I have brought you some spicy betel.
Položi ego v rot, nasladis’,
Place it in my mouth and savour it,
Poljubiv menja, pomni menja.
If you love me, then remember me.
Solnce vstanet li, pomni menja,
If the sun rises, then remember me,
Solnce ljažet li, pomni menja,
If the sun sets, then remember me,
Kak ty pomniš’ otca ili mat’,
Just as you might recall your father or mother,
Kak ty pomniš’ rodimyj svoj dom,
Just as you recall the family home,
Pomniš’ dveri i lestnicu v nëm,
Just are you recall the doors and stairs within,
Dnëm li, noč’ju li, pomni menja.
Whether it’s day or night, remember me.
Esli grom zagremel, vspomjani,
Should the thunder roll, then think on me,
Esli veter svistit, vspomjani;
Should the wind howl, then think on me;
Esli v nebe sverkajut ogni,
If the stars shine in the sky,
vspomjani, vspomjani, vspomjani.
Then think on me, then think on me.
Esli zvonko petuch propoët,
Should the cock crow loud,
Esli slyšiš’, kak vremja idët,
Should you hear time passing,
Esli čas ubegaet za čas,
Hour running after hour,
I bežit, i vedet svoj raskaz,
Running and telling its tale,
Esli solnce idët za lunoj,
Should the sun follow the moon,
Bud’ vsej pamjat’ju vmeste so mnoj.
Then be wholly with me in memory.
Stuk, stuk, stuk. Ėto ja prichožu.
Knock, knock ! It’s me.
Stuk, stuk, stuk. Ja v okoško gljažu.
Knock, knock! I am looking through the window.
Slyšiš’ serdce? V nëm stol’ko ognja.
Can you hear my heart? There is so much fire in it.
Dušu čuvstvueš’? Pomni menja!
Can you feel my soul? Remember me!


Sergei Prokofiev

Sergei Sergeyevich Prokofiev was a Soviet composer, pianist and conductor. As the creator of acknowledged masterpieces across numerous musical genres, he is regarded as one of the major composers of the 20th century.


Konstantin Balmont

Konstantin Dmitriyevich Balmont was a Russian symbolist poet and translator. 

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