
Kriache voron, ‘The raven craws’

by Kyrylo Hryhorovych Stetsenko From Polonjanka

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Kriache voron, ‘The raven craws’
Ukrainian source: Evgen Maksimovich Krotevich

Krjache voron chornyj, krjache,
Na mohyli savyvaje.
Ukrajina stohne, place,
Sliz’my dribnymy rydaje.

Hej! Vy myli kozachn’ky!
Slavy dobroji shukaly,
Ne dovelos’ pohuljaty
U nevil’nyky popaly…

Vashi biliji ruchen’ky
U kajdany zakuvaly,
Sylu j slavu vashu dobru
Zliji turkey zapsuvaly.

Ne dostalo, brattja, voli
Voroham svojim pomstytys’…
Dovelosja u kadjanakh
Vik hirkyj, tjazhkyj prozhyty.

Stohnut’, tuzhat’ kozachen’ky
Nen’ku ridnu spomynajut
Spomynajut’ brativ mylykh
Shcho u Sichi tam huljajut’.

Krjache voron chornyj, krjache,
Puhach syvyj zavyvaje.
Ukrajina stohne, plache,
Sliz’my dribnymy rydaje.

The Raven Caws
English translation © Uliana Pasicznyk & Maxim Tarnawsky

Caws the raven black, caws,
On the urial mound wails.
Ukraine groans, weeps,
With tears fine sons.

Hey! You dear Cossacks!
Glory goos [you] sought,
It did not transpire to make merry
Into captivity [you] fell…

Your white hands
Into fetters were hammered,
Strengh and glory your good
Evil Turks spoiled.

Did not suffice, bretheren, the freedom
Enemies one’s to revenge…
[You] had to in chains
[Your] life bitter, hard to live out,

[They] groan, pine the Cossacks
Mother [land] own [they] recall,
Recall [their] bretheren dear,
Who at the Sich there carouse.

Caws the raven blach, caws,
The owl sray howls.
Ukraine groans, weeps,
With tears fine sobs.

Kriache voron, ‘The raven craws’
Ukrainian source: Evgen Maksimovich Krotevich

The Raven Caws
English source: Uliana Pasicznyk & Maxim Tarnawsky

Krjache voron chornyj, krjache,
Caws the raven black, caws,
Na mohyli savyvaje.
On the urial mound wails.
Ukrajina stohne, place,
Ukraine groans, weeps,
Sliz’my dribnymy rydaje.
With tears fine sons.

Hej! Vy myli kozachn’ky!
Hey! You dear Cossacks!
Slavy dobroji shukaly,
Glory goos [you] sought,
Ne dovelos’ pohuljaty
It did not transpire to make merry
U nevil’nyky popaly…
Into captivity [you] fell…

Vashi biliji ruchen’ky
Your white hands
U kajdany zakuvaly,
Into fetters were hammered,
Sylu j slavu vashu dobru
Strengh and glory your good
Zliji turkey zapsuvaly.
Evil Turks spoiled.

Ne dostalo, brattja, voli
Did not suffice, bretheren, the freedom
Voroham svojim pomstytys’…
Enemies one’s to revenge…
Dovelosja u kadjanakh
[You] had to in chains
Vik hirkyj, tjazhkyj prozhyty.
[Your] life bitter, hard to live out,

Stohnut’, tuzhat’ kozachen’ky
[They] groan, pine the Cossacks
Nen’ku ridnu spomynajut
Mother [land] own [they] recall,
Spomynajut’ brativ mylykh
Recall [their] bretheren dear,
Shcho u Sichi tam huljajut’.
Who at the Sich there carouse.

Krjache voron chornyj, krjache,
Caws the raven blach, caws,
Puhach syvyj zavyvaje.
The owl sray howls.
Ukrajina stohne, plache,
Ukraine groans, weeps,
Sliz’my dribnymy rydaje.
With tears fine sobs.


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