
La rose

by Gabriel Fauré

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Text & Translation

La rose
French source: Charles-Marie-René Leconte de Lisle

Je dirai la rose aux plis gracieux.
La rose est le souffle embaumé des Dieux,
Le plus cher souci des Muses divines.
Je dirai ta gloire, ô charme des yeux,
Ô fleur de Kypris, reine des collines!
Tu t’épanouis entre les beaux doigts
De l’Aube écartant les ombres moroses;
L’air bleu devient rose, et roses les bois;
La bouche et le sein des vierges sont roses!
Heureuse la vierge aux bras arrondis
Qui dans les halliers humides te cueille!
Heureux le front jeune où tu resplendis!
Heureuse la coupe où nage ta feuille!
Ruisselante encor du flot paternel,
Quand de la mer bleue Aphrodite éclose
Étincela nue aux clartés du ciel,
La Terre jalouse enfanta la rose;
Et l’Olympe entier, d’amour transporté,
Salua la fleur avec la Beauté!

The rose
English translation © Richard Stokes

I shall speak of the rose with its graceful petals.
The rose is the scented breath of the gods,
The most cherished care of the divine Muses.
I shall speak of your glory; O delight of the eyes,
O flower of Cypris, queen of the hills!
You bloom between the beautiful fingers
Of dawn, brushing gloomy shadows aside;
The blue air turns rose, and rose the woods;
The lips and breasts of virgins are roses!
Happy the virgin with rounded arms
Who gathers you in moist thickets!
Happy the young brow that you adorn!
Happy the cup where your leaves float!
Streaming still from the paternal waters,
When from the blue sea Aphrodite emerged
Glistening naked in the brilliant sky,
Jealous Earth gave birth to the rose:
And all Olympus, transported by love,
Greeted the flower with Beauty!

La rose
French source: Charles-Marie-René Leconte de Lisle

The rose
English source: Richard Stokes

Je dirai la rose aux plis gracieux.
I shall speak of the rose with its graceful petals.
La rose est le souffle embaumé des Dieux,
The rose is the scented breath of the gods,
Le plus cher souci des Muses divines.
The most cherished care of the divine Muses.
Je dirai ta gloire, ô charme des yeux,
I shall speak of your glory; O delight of the eyes,
Ô fleur de Kypris, reine des collines!
O flower of Cypris, queen of the hills!
Tu t’épanouis entre les beaux doigts
You bloom between the beautiful fingers
De l’Aube écartant les ombres moroses;
Of dawn, brushing gloomy shadows aside;
L’air bleu devient rose, et roses les bois;
The blue air turns rose, and rose the woods;
La bouche et le sein des vierges sont roses!
The lips and breasts of virgins are roses!
Heureuse la vierge aux bras arrondis
Happy the virgin with rounded arms
Qui dans les halliers humides te cueille!
Who gathers you in moist thickets!
Heureux le front jeune où tu resplendis!
Happy the young brow that you adorn!
Heureuse la coupe où nage ta feuille!
Happy the cup where your leaves float!
Ruisselante encor du flot paternel,
Streaming still from the paternal waters,
Quand de la mer bleue Aphrodite éclose
When from the blue sea Aphrodite emerged
Étincela nue aux clartés du ciel,
Glistening naked in the brilliant sky,
La Terre jalouse enfanta la rose;
Jealous Earth gave birth to the rose:
Et l’Olympe entier, d’amour transporté,
And all Olympus, transported by love,
Salua la fleur avec la Beauté!
Greeted the flower with Beauty!


Gabriel Fauré

  ​"Gabriel Urbain Fauré (12 May 1845 – 4 November 1924) was a French composer, organist, pianist and teacher. He was one of the foremost French composers of his generation, and his musical style influenced many 20th-century composers. Among his…


Charles-Marie-René Leconte de Lisle

Charles Marie René Leconte de Lisle was a French poet of the Parnassian movement. He is traditionally known by his surname only, Leconte de Lisle.   Leconte de Lisle was born on the French overseas island of La Réunion, in the Indian Ocean. He…


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