
Maria ging aus wandern

by Johannes Brahms From 49 Deutsche Volkslieder (1894) WoO 33

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Maria ging aus wandern
German source: Anon.

Maria ging aus wandern,
So fern ins fremde Land,
Bis sie Gott den Herren fand.

Sie hat ihn schon gefunden
Wohl vor des Herodes Haus,
Er sah so betrüblich aus.

Das Kreuz, das musst’ er tragen
Nach Jerusalem vor die Stadt,
Wo er gemartet ward.

Was trug er auf seinem Haupte?
Ein’ scharfe Dornenkron’;
Das Kreuz, das trägt er schon.

Daran soll man bedenken,
Win jeder jung or alt,
Dass das Himmelreich leidet Gewalt!

Maria journeyed abroad
English translation © Richard Stokes

Maria journeyed abroad,
Far into a distant land,
Until she found God the Lord.

She soon found Him
In front of Herod’s house,
He looked so sad.

He had to carry the Cross
To Jerusalem outside the town,
Where He was martyred.

What did He bear upon His head?
A sharp crown of thorns,
He already bore the Cross.

We must think of this,
Each of us, young or old,
That Heaven suffers violence.

Translations by Richard Stokes, author of The Book of Lieder (Faber, 2005)

Maria ging aus wandern
German source: Anon.

Maria journeyed abroad
English source: Richard Stokes

Maria ging aus wandern,
Maria journeyed abroad,
So fern ins fremde Land,
Far into a distant land,
Bis sie Gott den Herren fand.
Until she found God the Lord.

Sie hat ihn schon gefunden
She soon found Him
Wohl vor des Herodes Haus,
In front of Herod’s house,
Er sah so betrüblich aus.
He looked so sad.

Das Kreuz, das musst’ er tragen
He had to carry the Cross
Nach Jerusalem vor die Stadt,
To Jerusalem outside the town,
Wo er gemartet ward.
Where He was martyred.

Was trug er auf seinem Haupte?
What did He bear upon His head?
Ein’ scharfe Dornenkron’;
A sharp crown of thorns,
Das Kreuz, das trägt er schon.
He already bore the Cross.

Daran soll man bedenken,
We must think of this,
Win jeder jung or alt,
Each of us, young or old,
Dass das Himmelreich leidet Gewalt!
That Heaven suffers violence.


Johannes Brahms

Johannes Brahms (7 May 1833 – 3 April 1897) was a German composer, pianist, and conductor of the Romantic period. Born in Hamburg into a Lutheran family, Brahms spent much of his professional life in Vienna.  Brahms has been considered, by his…


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