
Nachtstück (trans. for guitar by Anton Diabelli (1781-1858)

by Franz Schubert

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Nachtstück (trans. for guitar by Anton Diabelli (1781-1858)
German source: Johann Mayrhofer

Wenn über Berge sich der Nebel breitet
Und Luna mit Gewölken kämpft,
So nimmt der Alte seine Harfe, und schreitet
Und singt waldeinwärts und gedämpft:
„Du heilge Nacht:
Bald ist’s vollbracht,
Bald schlaf ich ihn, den langen Schlummer,
Der mich erlöst von allem Kummer.“

Die grünen Bäume rauschen dann:
„Schlaf süss, du guter, alter Mann“;
Die Gräser lispeln wankend fort:
„Wir decken seinen Ruheort“;
Und mancher liebe Vogel ruft:
„O lass ihn ruhn in Rasengruft!“
Der Alte horcht, der Alte schweigt,
Der Tod hat sich zu ihm geneigt.

English translation © Richard Wigmore

When the mists spread over the mountains,
and the moon battles with the clouds,
the old man takes his harp, and walks
towards the wood, quietly singing:
‘Holy night,
soon it will be done.
Soon I shall sleep the long sleep
which will free me from all grief.’

Then the green trees rustle:
‘Sleep sweetly, good old man’;
and the swaying grasses whisper:
‘We shall cover his resting place.’
And many a sweet bird calls:
‘Let him rest in his grassy grave!’
The old man listens, the old man is silent.
Death has inclined towards him.

Translation by Richard Wigmore

Nachtstück (trans. for guitar by Anton Diabelli (1781-1858)
German source: Johann Mayrhofer

English source: Richard Wigmore

Wenn über Berge sich der Nebel breitet
When the mists spread over the mountains,
Und Luna mit Gewölken kämpft,
and the moon battles with the clouds,
So nimmt der Alte seine Harfe, und schreitet
the old man takes his harp, and walks
Und singt waldeinwärts und gedämpft:
towards the wood, quietly singing:
„Du heilge Nacht:
‘Holy night,
Bald ist’s vollbracht,
soon it will be done.
Bald schlaf ich ihn, den langen Schlummer,
Soon I shall sleep the long sleep
Der mich erlöst von allem Kummer.“
which will free me from all grief.’

Die grünen Bäume rauschen dann:
Then the green trees rustle:
„Schlaf süss, du guter, alter Mann“;
‘Sleep sweetly, good old man’;
Die Gräser lispeln wankend fort:
and the swaying grasses whisper:
„Wir decken seinen Ruheort“;
‘We shall cover his resting place.’
Und mancher liebe Vogel ruft:
And many a sweet bird calls:
„O lass ihn ruhn in Rasengruft!“
‘Let him rest in his grassy grave!’
Der Alte horcht, der Alte schweigt,
The old man listens, the old man is silent.
Der Tod hat sich zu ihm geneigt.
Death has inclined towards him.


Franz Schubert

Franz Peter Schubert was an late Classical and early Romantic composer. He produced a vast oeuvre during his short life, composing more the 600 vocal works (largely Lieder), and well as several symphonies, operas, and a large body of piano music. He…


Johann Mayrhofer

Johann Baptist Mayrhofer , was an Austrian poet and librettist. He is best known for his close friendship with the composer Franz Schubert. Mayrhofer was born in Steyr, educated and Novitiate in St. Florian's Priory Upper Austria. In 1810 he began…


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