Songs of the Angels
22 October 2024, 5:15pm - 6:15pm
Presented in association with the LIFE Victoria Festival, Barcelona
Two exceptional artists who have been Young Artists of our partner festival in Barcelona, bring a beautiful selection of Schubert and Catalan folk songs for voice and guitar. Their programme is inspired by the recitals of Victoria de los Angeles, who used to perform regularly with guitar. And while the world of Spanish folk song might be strongly associated with the guitar, it’s worth noting that Schubert himself played and probably accompanied himself in his songs on this instrument.
- Trad. arr. Bernardo Rambeaud
- El mariner
- Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828)
- Das Fischermädchen (trans. for guitar by Tilman Hoppstock (1961 - ) D957j
- Trad. arr. Bernardo Rambeaud
- La calma de la mar
- Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828)
- Meeres Stille (trans. for guitar by Anton Diabelli (1781-1858) (1815) D216
- Trad. arr. Manuel García Morante & Bernardo Rambeaud
- Muntanyes regalades
- Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828)
- Schäfers Klagelied (trans. for guitar by Anton Diabelli (1781-1858) (1814) D121a
- Trad. arr. Miguel Llobet & Bernardo Rambeaud
- L’hereu riera
- Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828)
- Seligkeit (trans. for guitar by Bernardo Rambeaud) (1816) D433
- Trad. arr. Miguel Llobet & Bernardo Rambeaud
- La pastoreta
- Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828)
- Heidenröslein (trans. for guitar by Anton Diabelli (1781-1858) (1815) D257
- Trad. arr. Bernardo Rambeaud
- Mariagneta
- Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828)
- Ständchen (trans. for guitar by Bernardo Rambeaud) D957d
- Trad. arr. Bernardo Rambeaud
- Adéu donzellet
- Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828)
- Sei mir gegrüsst (trans. for guitar by Napoleón Coste (1805-1883) (1822) D741
- Trad. arr. Bernardo Rambeaud
- El carboner
- Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828)
- Nachtstück (trans. for guitar by Anton Diabelli (1781-1858) (1819) D672
- Trad. arr. Bernardo Rambeaud
- La mort i la donzella
- Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828)
- Der Tod und das Mädchen (trans. for guitar by Tilman Hoppstock (1961 - ) (1817) D531
11 October 2024 | 12:00am
Cities of Song [Festival 2024]
Festival Passes
Festival Passes Available:
Full Festival Pass
Week 1 Festival Pass
Week 2 Festival Pass
Schubert Weekend Pass