
Das Fischermädchen (trans. for guitar by J. K. Mertz (1806-1856)

by Franz Schubert

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Das Fischermädchen (trans. for guitar by J. K. Mertz (1806-1856)
German source: Heinrich Heine

Du schönes Fischermädchen,
Treibe den Kahn ans Land;
Komm zu mir und setze dich nieder,
Wir kosen Hand in Hand.

Leg an mein Herz dein Köpfchen,
Und fürchte dich nicht zu sehr;
Vertraust du dich doch sorglos
Täglich dem wilden Meer.

Mein Herz gleicht ganz dem Meere,
Hat Sturm und Ebb’ und Flut,
Und manche schöne Perle
In seiner Tiefe ruht.

The fisher maiden
English translation © Richard Wigmore

Lovely fisher maiden,
guide your boat to the shore;
come and sit beside me,
and hand in hand we shall talk of love.

Lay your little head on my heart
and do not be too afraid;
for each day you trust yourself
without fear to the turbulent sea.

My heart is just like the sea.
It has its storms, its ebbs and its flows;
and many a lovely pearl
rests in its depths.

Translations by Richard Wigmore first published by Gollancz and reprinted in the Hyperion Schubert Song Edition

Das Fischermädchen (trans. for guitar by J. K. Mertz (1806-1856)
German source: Heinrich Heine

The fisher maiden
English source: Richard Wigmore

Du schönes Fischermädchen,
Lovely fisher maiden,
Treibe den Kahn ans Land;
guide your boat to the shore;
Komm zu mir und setze dich nieder,
come and sit beside me,
Wir kosen Hand in Hand.
and hand in hand we shall talk of love.

Leg an mein Herz dein Köpfchen,
Lay your little head on my heart
Und fürchte dich nicht zu sehr;
and do not be too afraid;
Vertraust du dich doch sorglos
for each day you trust yourself
Täglich dem wilden Meer.
without fear to the turbulent sea.

Mein Herz gleicht ganz dem Meere,
My heart is just like the sea.
Hat Sturm und Ebb’ und Flut,
It has its storms, its ebbs and its flows;
Und manche schöne Perle
and many a lovely pearl
In seiner Tiefe ruht.
rests in its depths.


Franz Schubert

Franz Peter Schubert was an late Classical and early Romantic composer. He produced a vast oeuvre during his short life, composing more the 600 vocal works (largely Lieder), and well as several symphonies, operas, and a large body of piano music. He…


Heinrich Heine

Heine was born of Jewish parents. Much of his early life was influenced by the financial power of his uncle Salomon Heine, a millionaire Hamburg banker, with whom he remained on an awkward footing for many years. After he had been educated in the…


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