

by Gabriel Fauré From Requiem (1948) Op. 48

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Text & Translation

Latin source: Anon.

O Domine Jesu Christe, rex gloriae,
libera animas defunctorum
de poenis inferni et de profundo lacu.
O Domine Jesu Christe, rex gloriae,
libera animas defunctorum de ore leonis,
ne absorbeat Tartarus, ne cadant in obscurum.

Hostias et preces tibi, Domine, laudis offerimus:
tu suscipe pro animabus illis
quarum hodie memoriam facimus.
Fac eas, Domine, de morte transire ad vitam
quam olim Abrahae promisisti et semini eius. Amen.

O Lord Jesus Christ, king of glory
English translation © Anon.

O Lord Jesus Christ, king of glory,
deliver the souls of the departed
from the punishments of hell and from the deep lake.
O Lord Jesus Christ, king of glory,
deliver the souls of the departed from the mouth of the lion,
lest Tartarus swallow them up, lest they fall into darkness.

We offer prayers and sacrifices of praise to you, Lord:
you receive them on behalf of those souls
whose memory we recall today.
Cause them, Lord, to pass from death to the life
which you once promised to Abraham and his seed. Amen.

Latin source: Anon.

O Lord Jesus Christ, king of glory
English source: Anon.

O Domine Jesu Christe, rex gloriae,
O Lord Jesus Christ, king of glory,
libera animas defunctorum
deliver the souls of the departed
de poenis inferni et de profundo lacu.
from the punishments of hell and from the deep lake.
O Domine Jesu Christe, rex gloriae,
O Lord Jesus Christ, king of glory,
libera animas defunctorum de ore leonis,
deliver the souls of the departed from the mouth of the lion,
ne absorbeat Tartarus, ne cadant in obscurum.
lest Tartarus swallow them up, lest they fall into darkness.

Hostias et preces tibi, Domine, laudis offerimus:
We offer prayers and sacrifices of praise to you, Lord:
tu suscipe pro animabus illis
you receive them on behalf of those souls
quarum hodie memoriam facimus.
whose memory we recall today.
Fac eas, Domine, de morte transire ad vitam
Cause them, Lord, to pass from death to the life
quam olim Abrahae promisisti et semini eius. Amen.
which you once promised to Abraham and his seed. Amen.


Gabriel Fauré

  ​"Gabriel Urbain Fauré (12 May 1845 – 4 November 1924) was a French composer, organist, pianist and teacher. He was one of the foremost French composers of his generation, and his musical style influenced many 20th-century composers. Among his…


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