

by José Vianna da Motta From Canções portuguesas (1893) Op. 10 1893-1895

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Text & Translation

Portuguese source: Camilo Castelo Branco

Ó fonte, que estás chorando não tardarás a secar;
mas os meus olhos são fontes que não param de chorar.
Ai! triste da minha vida, ai! triste da vida minha.
Quem me dera ir contigo, onde tu vais andorinha,
quem me dera ir contigo, onde tu vais andorinha.

Rouxinol canta de noite, de manhã a cotovia:
todos cantam só eu choro, toda a noite e todo o dia.
Ó águia que vais tão alta por essas serras d’além
leva-me ao céu, onde eu tenho
a alma de minha mãe,
leva-me ao céu, onde eu tenho
a alma de minha mãe. Ah!

English translation © Katie McCay

Oh fountain, it won’t take long for your weeping to run dry;
but my eyes are two fountains that will never cease to cry.
Oh! Such sorrow in my life! My life passes in such woe.
I wish I could go with you, swallow, wherever you should go,
I wish I could go with you, swallow, wherever you should go.

The nightingale sings at night time, in the morning it’s the lark:
While they all sing, I weep alone, in the daylight, in the dark.
Oh, eagle who so high over those yonder mountains glides,
Carry me up to heaven, where my mother’s soul resides,
Carry me up to heaven, where my mother’s soul resides.

Portuguese source: Camilo Castelo Branco

English source: Katie McCay

Ó fonte, que estás chorando não tardarás a secar;
Oh fountain, it won’t take long for your weeping to run dry;
mas os meus olhos são fontes que não param de chorar.
but my eyes are two fountains that will never cease to cry.
Ai! triste da minha vida, ai! triste da vida minha.
Oh! Such sorrow in my life! My life passes in such woe.
Quem me dera ir contigo, onde tu vais andorinha,
I wish I could go with you, swallow, wherever you should go,
quem me dera ir contigo, onde tu vais andorinha.
I wish I could go with you, swallow, wherever you should go.

Rouxinol canta de noite, de manhã a cotovia:
The nightingale sings at night time, in the morning it’s the lark:
todos cantam só eu choro, toda a noite e todo o dia.
While they all sing, I weep alone, in the daylight, in the dark.
Ó águia que vais tão alta por essas serras d’além
Oh, eagle who so high over those yonder mountains glides,
leva-me ao céu, onde eu tenho
Carry me up to heaven, where my mother’s soul resides,
a alma de minha mãe,
Carry me up to heaven, where my mother’s soul resides.
leva-me ao céu, onde eu tenho
a alma de minha mãe. Ah!


José Vianna da Motta

José Vianna da Motta was a distinguished Portuguese pianist, teacher, and composer. He was one of the last pupils of Franz Liszt.


Camilo Castelo Branco

Camilo Castelo Branco was a prolific Portuguese writer of the 19th century.


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