
Pierre Bernac

by Jake Heggie From Friendly Persuasions - Homage to Poulenc (2008)

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Pierre Bernac (2008)
English source: Gene Scheer

Christmas 1936. Fa la la la la la la!
Playing a new setting of Cocteau for my friend Bernac.

Je n’aime pas dormir quand ta figure habite,
La nuit, contre mon cou;
Car je pense à la mort laquelle vient si vite
Nous endormir beaucoup.

Not a word from Pierre.
Just that worried look that begs: ‘Please, don’t ask me!’

So I take the song and toss it on the fire.
As it bursts into flames, he gasps: ‘Ah! Ah!’

Don’t worry, I say, it’s as it’s meant to be.
And I start again to compose: Tel jour. Telle nuit.
Fa la la la la la la.


Jake Heggie

Jake Heggie is an American composer. Read more here.

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