
Pis’mo K.S. Stanislavskomu ot S.S, 'Letter to K.S. Stanislavsky'

by Sergei Rachmaninov

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Pis’mo K.S. Stanislavskomu ot S.S, 'Letter to K.S. Stanislavsky'
Russian source: Sergey Rachmaninov

Dorogoj Konstantin Sergeyevich,

Ya pozdravlyayu Vas ot chistoj
dushi, ot vsego serdtsa! Za eti
desyat’ let Vy shli vsyo vperyod i
vperyod, i na etom puti vy nashli,
– Sinyuyu ptitsu! –
Ona Vasha luchshaya pobeda!
Teper’ ya ochen’ sozhaleyu, chto ya
ne v Moskve chto ya ne mogu,
vmeste so vsemi, Vas chestvovat’,
Vam khlopat’, krichat’
Vam na vse lady: – Bravo, bravo! –
i zhelat’ Vam mnogaya leta!
Proshu Vas peredat’ vsej truppe
moj privet, moj dushevnyj privet.

Vash Sergej Rakhmaninov.
Drezden, 14 oktjabrja 1908.
Postskriptum: Zhena moja
mne vtorit.


Sergei Rachmaninov

Sergei Rachmaninov was a Russian composer, pianist, and conductor of the late Romantic period.


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