
Plange quasi virgo

by Carlo Gesualdo From Tenebrae Responsories for Holy Saturday (1611)

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Text & Translation

Plange quasi virgo
Latin source: Liturgical

Plange quasi virgo, plebs mea,
ululate, pastores, in cinere et cilicio
quia veniet dies Domini magna et amara valde.
Accingite vos, sacerdotes, et plangite, ministri altaris,
aspergite vos cinere.
Quia veniet dies Domini magna et amara valde.

Weep like a virgin
English translation © Liturgical

Weep like a virgin, my people,
howl, keepers of the flock, covered with ashes and wearing hair-shirts,
for the great and very bitter day of the Lord will come.
Prepare yourselves, priests, and lament, acolytes before the altar, cover yourselves with ashes.
For the great and very bitter day of the Lord will come.

Plange quasi virgo
Latin source: Liturgical

Weep like a virgin
English source: Liturgical

Plange quasi virgo, plebs mea,
Weep like a virgin, my people,
ululate, pastores, in cinere et cilicio
howl, keepers of the flock, covered with ashes and wearing hair-shirts,
quia veniet dies Domini magna et amara valde.
for the great and very bitter day of the Lord will come.
Accingite vos, sacerdotes, et plangite, ministri altaris,
Prepare yourselves, priests, and lament, acolytes before the altar, cover yourselves with ashes.
aspergite vos cinere.
For the great and very bitter day of the Lord will come.
Quia veniet dies Domini magna et amara valde.


Carlo Gesualdo

Carlo Gesualdo da Venosa was Prince of Venosa and Count of Conza. He is best known for composing intensely expressive madrigals and pieces of sacred music. Several operas and pieces of music have been inspired by his work and his life, particularly…

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