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French source: Jean-Benjamin de La Borde

Alexis depuis deux ans
Adorait Glycère
Il cachait depuis ce temps ses tendres sentiments
Un jour il apperçut la mère
Qui dans la plaine travaillait
Il vole aux pieds de la Bergère
Pour lui conter ce qu’il souffrait

Il frappa tout doucement,
Elle ouvrit la porte ;
Ah ! dit-il, un seul moment,
Ecoutez mon tourment.
De la tendresse la plus forte
Laissez-moi vous conter l’ardeur,
Et dans mon âame presque morte
Faites renaître le bonheur.

La peur fit qu’elle jura
D’aller sur l’herbette :
Il prit sa main la baisa,
Et puis il s’en alla.
Le lendemain la Bergerette
Voulout accomplir son serment ;
Helas ! on dit que la pauvrette
Perdit beaucoup en s’acquittant.

English translation © Nicholas Cronk

Alexis had adored Glycère
for two years
and all that time he hid his tender feelings.
One day he saw the mother
working in the plain,
he flies to the feet of his shepherdess
to tell her of all his was suffering.

He knocked very gently,
she opened the door.
Ah! he said, listen to my torments
for a single moment.
Let me tell you the strength
of my overpowering ardour,
and rekindle hope
in my expiring soul.

Her fear meant that she promised
to come out on to the grass.
He took her hand and kissed it,
and then went away.
The next day the young shepherdess
wanted to keep her promise.
Alas! they say that the poor girl
lost much in paying her debt.

French source: Jean-Benjamin de La Borde

English source: Nicholas Cronk

Alexis depuis deux ans
Alexis had adored Glycère
Adorait Glycère
for two years
Il cachait depuis ce temps ses tendres sentiments
and all that time he hid his tender feelings.
Un jour il apperçut la mère
One day he saw the mother
Qui dans la plaine travaillait
working in the plain,
Il vole aux pieds de la Bergère
he flies to the feet of his shepherdess
Pour lui conter ce qu’il souffrait
to tell her of all his was suffering.

Il frappa tout doucement,
He knocked very gently,
Elle ouvrit la porte ;
she opened the door.
Ah ! dit-il, un seul moment,
Ah! he said, listen to my torments
Ecoutez mon tourment.
for a single moment.
De la tendresse la plus forte
Let me tell you the strength
Laissez-moi vous conter l’ardeur,
of my overpowering ardour,
Et dans mon âame presque morte
and rekindle hope
Faites renaître le bonheur.
in my expiring soul.

La peur fit qu’elle jura
Her fear meant that she promised
D’aller sur l’herbette :
to come out on to the grass.
Il prit sa main la baisa,
He took her hand and kissed it,
Et puis il s’en alla.
and then went away.
Le lendemain la Bergerette
The next day the young shepherdess
Voulout accomplir son serment ;
wanted to keep her promise.
Helas ! on dit que la pauvrette
Alas! they say that the poor girl
Perdit beaucoup en s’acquittant.
lost much in paying her debt.


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