
Sicut Ovis ad Occisionem

by Carlo Gesualdo From Tenebrae Responsories for Holy Saturday (1611)

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Sicut Ovis ad Occisionem
Latin source: Liturgical

Sicut ovis ad occisionem ductus est,
et dum male tractaretur non aperuit os suum;
traditus est ad mortem ut vivificaret populum suum.
Tradidit in mortem aninam suam, et inter iniquos reputatus est
Ut vivificaret populum suum.

As a sheep to the slaughter
English translation © Liturgical

He was led as a sheep to the slaughter,
mistreated, but he opened not his mouth;
He was delivered over to death so as to give life to his people.
He delivered his soul unto death, and was counted among the malefactors
To quicken his people.

Sicut Ovis ad Occisionem
Latin source: Liturgical

As a sheep to the slaughter
English source: Liturgical

Sicut ovis ad occisionem ductus est,
He was led as a sheep to the slaughter,
et dum male tractaretur non aperuit os suum;
mistreated, but he opened not his mouth;
traditus est ad mortem ut vivificaret populum suum.
He was delivered over to death so as to give life to his people.
Tradidit in mortem aninam suam, et inter iniquos reputatus est
He delivered his soul unto death, and was counted among the malefactors
Ut vivificaret populum suum.
To quicken his people.


Carlo Gesualdo

Carlo Gesualdo da Venosa was Prince of Venosa and Count of Conza. He is best known for composing intensely expressive madrigals and pieces of sacred music. Several operas and pieces of music have been inspired by his work and his life, particularly…

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