Wehe der, die mir verstrickte
by Hugo Wolf From Spanisches Liederbuch: Weltliche Lieder (1890)
This song was recorded live at the Oxford Lieder Festival as part of Hugo Wolf: The Complete Songs on Stone Records.
Click here to listen to this song with Birgid Steinberger and Sholto Kynoch, or click here to buy the CD from Stone Records.
Wehe der, die mir verstrickte
German source:
Paul Heyse
Meinen Geliebten!
Wehe der, die ihn verstrickte!
Ach, der Erste, den ich liebte,
Ward gefangen in Sevilla.
Mein Vielgeliebter,
Wehe der, die ihn verstrickte!
Ward gefangen in Sevilla
Mit der Fessel meiner Locken.
Mein Vielgeliebter,
Wehe der, wehe der, die ihn verstrickte!
Woe to the Woman who Ensnared
English translation ©
Richard Stokes
Who ensnared my beloved!
Woe to the woman who ensnared him!
Ah, the first man I loved
Was caught in Seville.
My best-beloved,
Woe to the woman who ensnared him!
He was caught in Seville
By the fetters of my tresses.
My best-beloved,
Woe to the woman who ensnared him!
Translations by Richard Stokes, author of The Book of Lieder (Faber, 2005)
Wehe der, die mir verstrickte
German source:
Paul Heyse
Woe to the Woman who Ensnared
English source:
Richard Stokes
Wehe der, die mir verstrickte
Woe to the woman
Meinen Geliebten!
Who ensnared my beloved!
Wehe der, die ihn verstrickte!
Woe to the woman who ensnared him!
Ach, der Erste, den ich liebte,
Ah, the first man I loved
Ward gefangen in Sevilla.
Was caught in Seville.
Mein Vielgeliebter,
My best-beloved,
Wehe der, die ihn verstrickte!
Woe to the woman who ensnared him!
Ward gefangen in Sevilla
He was caught in Seville
Mit der Fessel meiner Locken.
By the fetters of my tresses.
Mein Vielgeliebter,
My best-beloved,
Wehe der, wehe der, die ihn verstrickte!
Woe to the woman who ensnared him!
Hugo Wolf
Hugo Filipp Jakob Wolf was born on 13 March 1860, the fourth of six surviving children, in Windischgraz, Styria, then part of the Austrian Empire. He was taught the piano and violin by his father at an early age and continued to study piano at the…
Paul Heyse
Paul Johann Ludwig von Heyse was a distinguished German writer and translator. A member of two important literary societies, the Tunnel über der Spree in Berlin and Die Krokodile in Munich, he wrote novels, poetry, 177 short stories, and about sixty…