A Spanish Detour: Lorena Paz Nieto & Johan Barnoin
15 October 2016, 5:30pm 05 March 2025 - 6:55pm
The Oxford Lieder Young Artist Platform attracts an astonishing level of emerging talent; young stars embarking on major careers. Today's duo were clear winners at the auditions, which took place at the Spring Weekend of Song back in March, and they now give recitals around the country under the banner of the Young Artist Platform. This concert is a showcase for these stars of the future, who are already making great names for themselves.
A Spanish theme runs through much of their programme, which includes works by Wolf, Mendelssohn and Brahms, as well as Schumann. They also perform, in a thrilling detour from our Schumann voyage, songs by Manuel de Falla, including his most famous 'Seven Popular Songs'
See our other 2016 Young Artist Platform Winners in recital on 16th October.
Festal supper will be available from 6:30pm every evening (except Thursday 20th). Enjoy a delicious hot main meal and side dish between the afternoon and evening recitals for just £11. Our food partners this year are the Vaults & Garden Café, The Oxford University Club, and St Stephen’s House. Please book by midnight the day before by clicking here.
See your name (or that of a dedicatee) alongside the Schumann song of your choice and help ensure the future of Oxford Lieder by sponsoring a song from £25. Thank you.
- Johannes Brahms (1833 - 1897)
- Frühlingslied (1878) Op. 85 no.5
- Robert Schumann (1810 - 1856)
- Sehnsucht (1840) Op. 51 no.1 8–9.viii.1840 from Lieder und Gesänge, ii
- Melancholie (1849) Op. 74 no.6 24–29.iii.1849 from Spanisches Liederspiel
- Zigeunerliedchen I „Unter die Soldaten“ (1849) Op. 79 no.7/1 21.iv–13.v.1849 from Lieder-Album für die Jugend
- Zigeunerliedchen II „Jeden Morgen, in der Frühe“ (1849) Op. 79 no.7/2 21.iv–13.v.1849 from Lieder-Album für die Jugend
- Felix Mendelssohn (1809 - 1847)
- Der Mond (1847) Op. 86 no.5 from Six Songs
- Hugo Wolf (1860 - 1903)
- In dem Schatten meiner Locken (1890) no.12 from Spanisches Liederbuch: Weltliche Lieder
- Alle gingen, Herz, zur Ruh (1890) no.31 from Spanisches Liederbuch: Weltliche Lieder
- Dereinst, dereinst, Gedanke mein (1890) no.32 from Spanisches Liederbuch: Weltliche Lieder
- Wehe der, die mir verstrickte (1890) no.43 from Spanisches Liederbuch: Weltliche Lieder
- Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887 - 1959)
- Amor y Perfídia (1918) W135
- Lundú da Marqueza de Santos (1938)
- Cantilena (1938)
- Manuel de Falla (1876 - 1946)
- Siete canciones populares Españolas (1914)

14 October 2016 | 8:00am