
Wie eine Vollmondnacht

by Johanna Müller-Hermann

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'Wie eine Vollmondnacht' performed by James Atkinson & Anna Tilbrook as part of the Forgotten Voices lecture-recital series, curated by Kitty Whately and Natasha Loges, and produced in collaboration with SWAP'ra (Supporting Women and Parents in Opera). Filmed by TallWall Media, at Trinity College, Oxford, as part of the Oxford Lieder Spring Song Festival 2022. 

'Wie eine Vollmondnacht' performed by Kitty Whately & Joseph Middleton, on their album 'Befreit - A Soul Surrendered' released in February 2023. Listen here on Spotify.

Text & Translation

Wie eine Vollmondnacht
German source: Joseph Rinaldini

Original text by Joseph Rinaldini (1893-1977) in copyright.

Like a full moon night
English translation © Natasha Loges

Your eyes are like a full moon night,
so deeply mysterious and gentle.
Their gaze softly kisses me, shy of bliss,
And draw me with dream-steeped power
under their spell.

I stop existing,
A deep, sweet slumber lulls me,
Takes me far away on a crystal ferry.
And then light grows
Such a blissfully mild light
Veils are lifting from me and draw away,
oh bliss, oh bliss, I am with you!

Wie eine Vollmondnacht
German source: Joseph Rinaldini

Like a full moon night
English source: Natasha Loges

Original text by Joseph Rinaldini (1893-1977) in copyright.
Your eyes are like a full moon night,


Johanna Müller-Hermann

Study event exploring the life and work of Johanna Müller-Hermann. Filmed in 2022 by TallWall Media.  COMPOSER BIOGRAPHY Johanna Müller-Hermann (1868 -1941), also called Müller-Martini, was an Austrian composer who studied with Guido Adler and…


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