A Schumann Liederabend | Sarah Connolly (mezzo-soprano) & Eugene Asti (piano)

23 October 2008, 8:00pm

Mezzo-soprano Sarah Connolly makes a much-anticipated return to the Festival, joined by outstanding accompanist Eugene Asto, in an all-Schumann programme.

The Op. 39 Liederkreis is one of the pinnacles of the song repertoire. The other songs in the programme might be subtitled "Schumann's Women"; Frauenliebe und -leben, a somewhat rose-tinted view of the life and love of a woman, alngside the Mary Stuart songs, written much later in Schumann's life.

 Sarah Connolly is without doubt one of the UK's finest mezzo sopranos, whose reputation on the world's major opera stages is matched by that of her recitals. Together with Eugene Asti, Sarah Connolly has recently recorded a disc of Schumann songs, featuring many of tonight's works.

Liederkreis Op. 39

Maria Stuart Lieder Op. 135

Frauenliebe und -leben Op. 42

Final Oxf Lieder little RGB

10 October 2008 | 9:00am

2008 Festival

Next Event
Guided Walk with David Owen Norris
24 October 2008, 12:00pm

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