The Therese Grob songbook: Raphaela Papadakis, Martin Hässler & Sholto Kynoch

16 October 2014, 12:10pm - 1:10pm


Raphaela Papadakis soprano
Martin Hässler baritone
Sholto Kynoch piano

Therese Grob was probably Schubert’s first love. She was a talented soprano and sang the solos at the first performance of his Mass in F, D105, 200 years ago today (Worcester College Chapel Choir sing the mass at 6pm, all are welcome to attend the service). This recital features the collection of songs dedicated to her by the 19 year-old composer in November 1816.


Sponsor a Song: click on any title to find out how to sponsor this song and have your name, or that of a dedicatee, appear alongside it in this concert's printed programme.

Edone, D445 An die Natur, D372 Pflügerlied, D392 Der Leidende 'Klage’, D432 Gott im Frühlinge, D448 Lied, D403a/b Der Herbstabend, D405 Am Grabe Anselmos, D504 Andenken, D99 Litanei auf das Fest Aller Seelen 'Am Tage Aller Seelen’, D343 Lied aus der Ferne, D107 Zufriedenheit 'Lied’, D501 Klage an den Mond, D436 Mailied, D503 Trauer der Liebe, D465 Am ersten Maimorgen, D344
2014 brochure

10 October 2014 | 9:00am

2014 Festival: The Schubert Project

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Winterreise Masterclass given by Sarah Walker CBE
16 October 2014, 9:00am - 4:00pm
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Choral Eucharist at Worcester College Chapel
16 October 2014, 5:00pm - 6:00pm

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