
Am Grabe Anselmos

by Franz Schubert

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Am Grabe Anselmos
German source: Matthias Claudius

Dass ich dich verloren habe,
Dass du nicht mehr bist,
Ach, dass hier in diesem Grabe
Mein Anselmo ist,
Das ist mein Schmerz!
Seht, wie liebten wir uns beide,
Und so lang ich bin, kommt Freude
Niemals wieder in mein Herz.

At Anselmo's Grave
English translation © Richard Wigmore

That I have lost you,
that you are no more,
that my Anselmo lies
here in this grave:
that is my sorrow!
See, we loved each other,
and as long as I live joy
will never return to my heart.

Am Grabe Anselmos
German source: Matthias Claudius

At Anselmo's Grave
English source: Richard Wigmore

Dass ich dich verloren habe,
That I have lost you,
Dass du nicht mehr bist,
that you are no more,
Ach, dass hier in diesem Grabe
that my Anselmo lies
Mein Anselmo ist,
here in this grave:
Das ist mein Schmerz!
that is my sorrow!
Seht, wie liebten wir uns beide,
See, we loved each other,
Und so lang ich bin, kommt Freude
and as long as I live joy
Niemals wieder in mein Herz.
will never return to my heart.


Franz Schubert

Franz Peter Schubert was an late Classical and early Romantic composer. He produced a vast oeuvre during his short life, composing more the 600 vocal works (largely Lieder), and well as several symphonies, operas, and a large body of piano music. He…


Matthias Claudius

Matthias Claudius was a German poet, most notable for Der Mond ist aufgegangen (The Moon Has Risen) and editor of the journal Der Wandsbecker Bothe.  After studying at Jena, Claudius held a series of editorial and minor official positions in…


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