Text & Translation
Chanson du départ de Don Quichotte
French source:
Pierre de Ronsard
Tout enrichi de marbre et de porphyre,
Qu’amour bâtit château de son empire,
Où tout le ciel a mis son artifice,
Est un rempart, un fort contre le vice,
Où la vertu maîtresse se retire,
Que l’œil regarde, et que l’esprit admire,
Forçant les cœurs à lui faire service.
C’est un château, fait de telle sorte,
Que nul ne peut approcher de la porte
Si des grands Rois il n’a sauvé sa race,
Victorieux, vaillant et amoureux.
Nul Chevalier tant soit aventureux
Sans être tel, ne peut gagner la place.
The song of Don Quixote’s parting
English translation ©
Richard Stokes
Enriched with marble and porphyry
That Love built to guard his empire,
To which all Heaven has lent its skill,
Is a rampart, a stronghold against evil,
Where Mistress Virtue can take refuge,
Whom the eye observes and the spirit admires,
Compelling hearts to pay her homage.
This castle is fashioned in such a way
That no one can approach its gate,
If he is not descended from great kings,
Victorious, brave and amorous.
No knight, however bold,
Without such merit, can enter here.
Chanson du départ de Don Quichotte
French source:
Pierre de Ronsard
The song of Don Quixote’s parting
English source:
Richard Stokes
Ce château neuf, ce nouvel édifice
This new castle, this new edifice,
Tout enrichi de marbre et de porphyre,
Enriched with marble and porphyry
Qu’amour bâtit château de son empire,
That Love built to guard his empire,
Où tout le ciel a mis son artifice,
To which all Heaven has lent its skill,
Est un rempart, un fort contre le vice,
Is a rampart, a stronghold against evil,
Où la vertu maîtresse se retire,
Where Mistress Virtue can take refuge,
Que l’œil regarde, et que l’esprit admire,
Whom the eye observes and the spirit admires,
Forçant les cœurs à lui faire service.
Compelling hearts to pay her homage.
C’est un château, fait de telle sorte,
This castle is fashioned in such a way
Que nul ne peut approcher de la porte
That no one can approach its gate,
Si des grands Rois il n’a sauvé sa race,
If he is not descended from great kings,
Victorieux, vaillant et amoureux.
Victorious, brave and amorous.
Nul Chevalier tant soit aventureux
No knight, however bold,
Sans être tel, ne peut gagner la place.
Without such merit, can enter here.
Jacques Ibert
Jacques François Antoine Marie Ibert was a French composer of classical music. Read more here.