Das ist ein Flöten und Geigen
German source:
Heinrich Heine
Trompeten schmettern darein;
Da tanzt wohl den Hochzeitsreigen
Die Herzallerliebste mein.
Das ist ein Klingen und Dröhnen,
Ein Pauken und ein Schalmei’n;
Dazwischen schluchzen und stöhnen
Die lieblichen Engelein.
What a fluting, what a scraping
English translation ©
Richard Stokes
With trumpets blaring in;
That must be my dearest love
Dancing at her wedding feast.
What a clashing, what a clanging,
What a drumming, what a piping;
And the lovely little angels
Sobbing and groaning in between.
Translations by Richard Stokes, author of The Book of Lieder (Faber, 2005)
Das ist ein Flöten und Geigen
German source:
Heinrich Heine
What a fluting, what a scraping
English source:
Richard Stokes
Das ist ein Flöten und Geigen,
What a fluting, what a scraping,
Trompeten schmettern darein;
With trumpets blaring in;
Da tanzt wohl den Hochzeitsreigen
That must be my dearest love
Die Herzallerliebste mein.
Dancing at her wedding feast.
Das ist ein Klingen und Dröhnen,
What a clashing, what a clanging,
Ein Pauken und ein Schalmei’n;
What a drumming, what a piping;
Dazwischen schluchzen und stöhnen
And the lovely little angels
Die lieblichen Engelein.
Sobbing and groaning in between.
Robert Schumann
Robert Schumann was a German composer and influential music critic. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest composers of the Romantic era. Schumann left the study of law, intending to pursue a career as a virtuoso pianist. He had been assured…
Heinrich Heine
Heine was born of Jewish parents. Much of his early life was influenced by the financial power of his uncle Salomon Heine, a millionaire Hamburg banker, with whom he remained on an awkward footing for many years. After he had been educated in the…
Upcoming Performances
- Exploring Schumann's Dichterliebe: Study Day 27 Apr 2025
Previously performed at:
- Liebeslieder Walzer 17 Oct 2024
- The Life & Times of Robert Schumann Session I 15 Oct 2016