
Ja pokinul rodimyj dom, 'I have bid farewell to my native home'

by Georgy Sviridov From Otchalivshaya Rus', 'Russia Cast Adrift' (1987)

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Text & Translation

Ja pokinul rodimyj dom, 'I have bid farewell to my native home'
Russian source: Sergei Yesenin

Ja pokinul rodimyj dom,
Golubuju ostavil Rus'.
V tri zvezdy bereznjak nad prudom
Teplit materi staroj grust'.

Zolotoju ljagushkoj luna
Rasplastalas' na tikhoj vode.
Slovno jablonnyj cvet, sedina
U ottsa prolilas' v borode.

Ja ne skoro, ne skoro vernus'!
Dolgo pet' i zvenet' purge.
Sterezhjot golubuju Rus'
Staryj kljon na odnoj noge.

I ja znaju, yest' radost' v njom
Tem, kto list'ev tseluet dozhd',
Ottogo, chto tot staryj kljon
Golovoj na menja pokhozh.

I have bid farewell to my native home
English translation © Philip Ross Bullock

I have bid farewell to my native home,
I have left the blue skies of Russia far behind.
The three stars of the birch grove by the pond
Warm my old mother’s grief.

Like a golden frog, the moon
Spreads itself out on the silent water.
Like apple blossom, flecks of grey
Spill into my father’s beard.

I will not return soon!
Long will the storm sing and ring.
The old maple will watch over pale blue Russia,
The maple with its one leg.

And I know that the maple brings joy
To those who kiss the rain of its leaves,
Because the head of that old maple
Resembles my own.

Ja pokinul rodimyj dom, 'I have bid farewell to my native home'
Russian source: Sergei Yesenin

I have bid farewell to my native home
English source: Philip Ross Bullock

Ja pokinul rodimyj dom,
I have bid farewell to my native home,
Golubuju ostavil Rus'.
I have left the blue skies of Russia far behind.
V tri zvezdy bereznjak nad prudom
The three stars of the birch grove by the pond
Teplit materi staroj grust'.
Warm my old mother’s grief.

Zolotoju ljagushkoj luna
Like a golden frog, the moon
Rasplastalas' na tikhoj vode.
Spreads itself out on the silent water.
Slovno jablonnyj cvet, sedina
Like apple blossom, flecks of grey
U ottsa prolilas' v borode.
Spill into my father’s beard.

Ja ne skoro, ne skoro vernus'!
I will not return soon!
Dolgo pet' i zvenet' purge.
Long will the storm sing and ring.
Sterezhjot golubuju Rus'
The old maple will watch over pale blue Russia,
Staryj kljon na odnoj noge.
The maple with its one leg.

I ja znaju, yest' radost' v njom
And I know that the maple brings joy
Tem, kto list'ev tseluet dozhd',
To those who kiss the rain of its leaves,
Ottogo, chto tot staryj kljon
Because the head of that old maple
Golovoj na menja pokhozh.
Resembles my own.


Georgy Sviridov

Georgy Vasilyevich Sviridov was a Russian neoromantic composer, active in the Soviet era. 


Sergei Yesenin

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin was a Russian lyric poet. He is one of the most popular and well-known Russian poets of the 20th century.


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