

by César Antonovich Cui

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Text & Translation

Russian source: Alexander Pushkin

Nedavno, obol'shchen prelestnym snoviden'em,
V vence sijajushchem, carem ja zrel sebja;
Mechtalos', ja ljubil tebja -
I serdce bilos' naslazhden'em.
Ja strast' u nog tvoikh v vostorgakh iz"jasnjal.
Mechty! akh! otchego vy schast'ja ne prodlili?
No bogi ne vsego teper' menja lishili:
Ja tol'ko - carstvo poterjal.

**Based on a text by Voltaire -**
**‘À Madame la Princesse Ulrique de Prusse’**
**- translated by Pushkin**

Of late, enslaved by a marvellous dream
English translation © Philip Ross Bullock

Of late, enslaved by a marvellous dream,
I pictured myself a king in a radiant crown;
I dreamt I loved you -
And my heart raced with delight.
Enraptured, I poured forth my passion
at your feet.
Dreams! Oh why did you not prolong such happiness?
But the gods did not deny me everything:
All I lost was my kingdom.

Russian source: Alexander Pushkin

Of late, enslaved by a marvellous dream
English source: Philip Ross Bullock

Nedavno, obol'shchen prelestnym snoviden'em,
Of late, enslaved by a marvellous dream,
V vence sijajushchem, carem ja zrel sebja;
I pictured myself a king in a radiant crown;
Mechtalos', ja ljubil tebja -
I dreamt I loved you -
I serdce bilos' naslazhden'em.
And my heart raced with delight.
Ja strast' u nog tvoikh v vostorgakh iz"jasnjal.
Enraptured, I poured forth my passion
Mechty! akh! otchego vy schast'ja ne prodlili?
at your feet.
No bogi ne vsego teper' menja lishili:
Dreams! Oh why did you not prolong such happiness?
Ja tol'ko - carstvo poterjal.
But the gods did not deny me everything:

**Based on a text by Voltaire -**
**‘À Madame la Princesse Ulrique de Prusse’**
**- translated by Pushkin**


Alexander Pushkin

Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin (6 June 1799 – 10 February 1837) was a Russian poet, playwright, and novelist of the Romantic era who is considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature. Pushkin was born…


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