

by Francis Poulenc From Chansons gaillardes

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Text & Translation

French source: Anon.

Avec une si belle main,
Que servent tant de charmes,
Que vous devez du dieu malin
Bien manier les armes!
Et quand cet Enfant est chagrin
Bien essuyer ses larmes.

English translation © Winifred Radford

With so fair a hand,
possessed of so many charms,
that you must indeed
handle Cupid’s darts!
And when this child is troubled
wipe away his tears.

French source: Anon.

English source: Winifred Radford

Avec une si belle main,
With so fair a hand,
Que servent tant de charmes,
possessed of so many charms,
Que vous devez du dieu malin
that you must indeed
Bien manier les armes!
handle Cupid’s darts!
Et quand cet Enfant est chagrin
And when this child is troubled
Bien essuyer ses larmes.
wipe away his tears.


Francis Poulenc

Francis Jean Marcel Poulenc (F7 January 1899 – 30 January 1963) was a French composer and pianist. His compositions include mélodies, solo piano works, chamber music, choral pieces, operas, ballets, and orchestral concert music. Read the full…


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