

by Franz Schubert

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German source: Anon.

Schlafe, holder, süsser Knabe,
Leise wiegt dich deiner Mutter Hand; 
Sanfte Ruhe, milde Labe
Bringt dir schwebend dieses Wiegenband.

Schlafe in der Flaumen Schoosse,
Noch umtönt dich lauter Liebeston,
Eine Lilie, eine Rose,
Nach dem Schlafe werd’ sie dir zum Lohn.

English translation © Richard Wigmore

Sleep, dear, sweet boy,
your mother’s hand rocks you softly.
This swaying cradle strap
brings you gentle peace and tender comfort.

Sleep in her lap, soft as down;
pure notes of love still echo around you. 
A lily, a rose
shall be your reward after sleep.

German source: Anon.

English source: Richard Wigmore

Schlafe, holder, süsser Knabe,
Sleep, dear, sweet boy,
Leise wiegt dich deiner Mutter Hand; 
your mother’s hand rocks you softly.
Sanfte Ruhe, milde Labe
This swaying cradle strap
Bringt dir schwebend dieses Wiegenband.
brings you gentle peace and tender comfort.

Schlafe in der Flaumen Schoosse,
Sleep in her lap, soft as down;
Noch umtönt dich lauter Liebeston,
pure notes of love still echo around you. 
Eine Lilie, eine Rose,
A lily, a rose
Nach dem Schlafe werd’ sie dir zum Lohn.
shall be your reward after sleep.


Franz Schubert

Franz Peter Schubert was an late Classical and early Romantic composer. He produced a vast oeuvre during his short life, composing more the 600 vocal works (largely Lieder), and well as several symphonies, operas, and a large body of piano music. He…



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