
Dumy moyi, ‘Thoughts of mine’

by Ostap Bobykevych

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Dumy moyi, ‘Thoughts of mine’
source: Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko

Dumi moї, dumi moї,
Vi moї єdinі,
Ne kidaite khoch vi mene
Pri likhіi godinі.
Prilіtaite, sizokrilі
Moї golub’iata,
Іz-za Dnіpra shirokogo
U step poguliati
Z kirgizami ubogimi.
Voni vzhe ubogі,
Uzhe golі... Ta na volі
Shche moliat-sia Bogu.
Prilіtaite zh, moї liubі,
Tikhimi rechami
Privіtaiu vas, iak dіtok,
І zaplachu z vami.

Thoughts of Mine
English translation © Andrew Gregorovich

Thoughts of mine, thoughts of mine,
My one and only stay,
You at least do not abandon
Me these bitter days.
From the broad and distant Dnieper
Fly to me, my homing
Pigeons, on your blue-grey pinions,
Through the steppe go roaming
With the poor forsaken Kirghiz
Long have they gone naked,
Long been paupers... yet still free to
Worship God as sacred.
Come then, dearest thoughts of mine,
I shall greet you ever
As my children, with soft words, and
We shall weep together.

Dumy moyi, ‘Thoughts of mine’
source: Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko

Thoughts of Mine
English source: Andrew Gregorovich

Dumi moї, dumi moї,
Thoughts of mine, thoughts of mine,
Vi moї єdinі,
My one and only stay,
Ne kidaite khoch vi mene
You at least do not abandon
Pri likhіi godinі.
Me these bitter days.
Prilіtaite, sizokrilі
From the broad and distant Dnieper
Moї golub’iata,
Fly to me, my homing
Іz-za Dnіpra shirokogo
Pigeons, on your blue-grey pinions,
U step poguliati
Through the steppe go roaming
Z kirgizami ubogimi.
With the poor forsaken Kirghiz
Voni vzhe ubogі,
Long have they gone naked,
Uzhe golі... Ta na volі
Long been paupers... yet still free to
Shche moliat-sia Bogu.
Worship God as sacred.
Prilіtaite zh, moї liubі,
Come then, dearest thoughts of mine,
Tikhimi rechami
I shall greet you ever
Privіtaiu vas, iak dіtok,
As my children, with soft words, and
І zaplachu z vami.
We shall weep together.


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