
Korolevskij pokhod, 'The King's Campaign'

by Dmitri Shostakovich

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Korolevskij pokhod, 'The King's Campaign'
Russian source: Samuil Yakovlevich Marschak

Po sklonu vverkh korol' povjol
Polki svoikh strelkov.
Po sklonu vniz korol' soshjol,
No tol'ko bez polkov.

The King's Campaign
English translation © Anon.

Up to the top of the hill
The King has marched his men;
The King has come back down again,
But without his band of men.

Korolevskij pokhod, 'The King's Campaign'
Russian source: Samuil Yakovlevich Marschak

The King's Campaign
English source: Anon.

Po sklonu vverkh korol' povjol
Up to the top of the hill
Polki svoikh strelkov.
The King has marched his men;
Po sklonu vniz korol' soshjol,
The King has come back down again,
No tol'ko bez polkov.
But without his band of men.


Dmitri Shostakovich

Dmitri Shostakovich was a Russian composer and pianist. He achieved fame in the Soviet Union, although later developed a more complex and difficult relationship with the government. As a composer, he combined a variety of different musical…

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