41. Schubert & Mortality: Imogen Cooper, James Gilchrist, Anna Tilbrook & Lorraine Byrne Bodley
19 October 2019, 10:45am - 3:45pm
10.45am - 11.20am
Internationally acclaimed for her interpretations of Schubert, pianist Imogen Cooper begins her trilogy of the composer’s last three piano with the darkly turbulent C minor Sonata, D958.NB: the other two performances at 5.15pm and 10pm are ticketed separately.
11.30am - 12.30pm
Unresting Death: On Schubert’s Final Years. Eminent Schubert scholar Lorraine Byrne Bodley delves into Schubert’s all-too-brief life, showing that he was surrounded and profoundly affected by death.
12.30pm - 1.30pm
Lunch break
1.30pm - 2.30pm
James Gilchrist and Anna Tilbrook present a programme of Schubert songs reflecting on mortality and figures around death: from the transfigured grave-digger, and the consoling hand of the grim reaper, to uplifting paeans to immortality.
2.45pm - 3.45pm
A Familiar Ghost: Death’s Presence in Schubert’s Songs. Lorraine Byrne Bodley continues her exploration of Schubert and mortality, showing how Schubert's changing conception of death influenced his music across his short life.
Please note: Blue Badge parking should be arranged directly with St Hilda's Lodge. Oxford Lieder is unable to allocate onsite spaces.
- Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828)
- Piano Sonata in C minor (1828) D958
- Das Zügenglöcklein (1826) D871
- Schwanengesang, D744
- Kriegers Ahnung D957b from Schwanengesang
- Meeres Stille (1815) D215a
- Nachtstück (1819) D672
- Wandrers Nachtlied II (1822) D768
- Ganymed (1817) D544
- Der Fischer D225
- An Schwager Kronos (1816) D369
- Der Jüngling und der Tod (1817) D545
- Der Müller und der Bach (1823) from Die schöne Müllerin
- Der Tod und das Mädchen (1817) D531
- Litanei auf des Fest Allerseelen (1816) D343

11 October 2019 | 10:00am